OpenJDK Tools
The OpenJDK tools are grouped into a number of categories.
Category | Tools |
Source and classfile tools | java, javac, javadoc, javah, javap, apt |
Other core tools | extcheck, jar, native2ascii, rmiregistry, serialver, rmic, rmid |
AWT tools | appletviewer |
Security tools | keytool, policytool, and jarsigner |
Serviceability tools | jconsole, jcontrol, jrunscript, jsadebugd, jdb, jhat, jinfo, jmap, jps, jstack, jstat, jstatd |
The Launcher
The Launcher is a small C program used by most tools to start a JVM and invoke the main program for the tool. It is built as needed for each tool as part of a full JDK build.
It is also the same program which can invoke a user's main program in a JVM.
Other Tools
In addition, the following tools are redistributed from the Glassfish project:- java-rmi.cgi, schemagen, tnameserv, idlj, orbd, xjc, servertool, wsimport, wsgen