The Serviceability Group

The Serviceability group is comprised of people interested in the design, implementation, and maintanence of Serviceability components.


Java SE contains several technologies that allow Java programs to be debugged, profiled, monitored and managed. These technologies allow a tool written in the Java programming language to obtain information from the Java Virtual Machine(JVM) in a different process. These technologies typically:

In addition, Java SE contains several tools that use these serviceability technologies. The following table shows the technologies that are available and the tools that use them.

Tools That Use It
JPDA-Java Platform Debugger Architecture
including JVM TI
Bytecode Instrumentation
JMX - Java Management Extension jconsole
Monitoring and Management jconsole
Dynamic Attach jconsole, jdb, jinfo, jmap, jstack
jvmstat Performance Counters jconsole, jstat
Serviceability Agent jdb, jinfo, jmap, jstack


Serviceability code resides in both the HotSpot repository and the J2SE repository: Java SE also contains a technology called the Java Management Extension (JMX) which provides APIs for monitoring and managing resources on local and remote Java Virtual Machines. Please see The Java Management Extensions (JMX) API for information about JMX.
