Type Patterns in switch
This document describes a possible approach for the next phase of pattern matching — adding type patterns to the switch
statement. This builds on the work of JEP 375. This is an exploratory document only and does not constitute a plan for any specific feature in any specific version of the Java Language.
Pattern matching documents
Pattern Matching For Java — Overview of pattern matching concepts, and how they might be surfaced in Java.
Pattern Matching For Java — Semantics — More detailed notes on type checking, matching, and scoping of patterns and binding variables.
Extending Switch for Patterns — An early exploration of the issues surrounding extending pattern matching to the
statement. -
Type Patterns in Switch (this document) — A more up-to-date treatment of extending pattern matching to
statements, including treatment of nullity and totality. -
Pattern Matching in the Java Object model — Explores how patterns fit into the Java object model, how they fill a hole we may not have realized existed, and how they might affect API design going forward.
JEP 305 introduced the first phase of pattern matching into the Java language, later refined by JEP 375. It was deliberately limited, focusing on only one kind of pattern (type test patterns) and one linguistic context (instanceof
). Having introduced the concept to Java developers, we can now extend both the kinds of patterns and the linguistic context where patterns are used.
The obvious next context in which to introduce pattern matching is switch
; a switch using patterns as case
labels can replace if .. else if
chains with a more direct way of expressing a multi-way conditional. In the first iteration, we will extend switch
to support type patterns only, before moving on to other kinds of patterns. However, this document makes extensive reference to other kinds of patterns, because where the language is going will have an impact on the semantics that are sensible to choose.
Unfortunately, switch
is one of the most complex, irregular constructs we have in Java, so we must teach it some new tricks while avoiding some existing traps. Such tricks and traps may include:
Typing. Currently, the operand of a
may only be one of the integral primitive types, the box type of an integral primitive,String
, or anenum
type. (Further, the type affects the interpretation of case labels; if theswitch
operand is anenum
type, thecase
labels must be unqualified enum constant names.) Clearly we can relax this restriction to allow other types and constrain the case labels to only be patterns that are applicable to that type, but it may leave a seam of “legacy” vs “pattern” switch, especially if we do not adopt bare constant literals as the denotation of constant patterns. -
Parsing. The grammar currently specifies that the operand of a
label is aCaseConstant
, which casts a wide syntactic net, later narrowed with post-checks after attribution. This means that, since parsing is done before we know the type of the operand, we must be watchful for ambiguities between patterns and expressions (and possibly refine the production forcase
labels.) Literals are an obvious source of ambiguity (if we choose to denote constant patterns with literals); deconstruction patterns with no arguments are another. -
Nullity. In the limited forms where
can be used on reference types today (enums, strings, and primitive boxes),switch
appears to be hostile tonull
. However, this null-hostility does not make sense when extended to richer forms of patterns, so we will need to refine the semantics to support the legacy cases without polluting the new ones. (It is always tempting to preemptively say “sorry, nulls not allowed”, but to not refine null handling here will show up as sharp edges elsewhere, such as refactoring anomalies.) -
Exhaustiveness. For switches over the permitted subtypes of sealed types, we will want to be able to do exhaustiveness analysis, and for sufficiently exhaustive pattern sets, allow the user to omit a catch-all case such as
. (When we get to nested patterns, we will want to do this for nested patterns too — ifCircle
are exhaustive onShape
, thenBox(Circle c)
andBox(Rect r)
should be exhaustive onBox<Shape>
.) -
Fallthrough. Fallthrough is everyone’s least favorite feature of
, but it exists for a reason. (The mistake was making fallthrough the default behavior, but that ship has sailed.) In the absence of an OR pattern combinator, one might find fallthrough in switch useful in conjunction with patterns:case Box(int x): case Bag(int x): // use x
However, it is likely that we will, at least initially, disallow falling out of, or into, a case label with binding variables.
As we did with expression switches in Java 12, rather than invent a new linguistic construct that is like switch
but different (but would have to leave the old construct around), we choose to continue down the path of rehabilitating switch to cover more situations. This road involves some difficult choices where the legacy behavior does not provide a clean extrapolation to the desired generalized behavior; we must choose between the extrapolating the legacy behavior anyway, or leaving a visible seam or asymmetry — neither of which is ideal. There is no perfect answer here; we aim to balance minimizing the long-term complexity of the language with compatibility with past choices.
Type patterns in switch
Adding type patterns to switch is not the final step in the addition of pattern matching to Java; we expect pattern assignment statements, deconstruction patterns, nested patterns, and declared patterns to follow. However, the design of this step has been extensively informed by analysis of the steps to follow. In the explanatory sections below, we will make significant use of future steps to ensure that the semantics we are choosing now has a clean extension to where we want to end up.
The current iteration proposes:
Allow switches on all types (with the possible temporary exception of the three primitive types not currently permitted), not just the current limited set of types.
labels to specify patterns in addition to constant case labels. The specified pattern must be applicable to the static type of the switch target. -
Restrict fallthrough out of cases with bindings and into non-total patterns with bindings.
Refine the null-handling behavior of
Support a
case null
constant case label, which matches onlynull
(when the switch target is a reference type.) -
For switches on enums, strings, and primitive boxes that do not include an explicit
case null
, the compiler inserts an implicitcase null
at the beginning which throwsNullPointerException
. -
In all other switches,
is just a value (though, see the treatment of totality with remainder.)
Support declarative guards on case labels with patterns.
For total switches (which includes expression switches and possibly others) whose set of
patterns is total on the target type with nonempty remainder, provide an implicitdefault
case that throws on the remainder.
These semantics have been carefully chosen to support a number of goals:
Refactoring-friendliness. We want a simple relationship between a
statement over patterns and a correspondingif-else if
chain, so that the two can be freely refactored to each other. This means that the semantics ofinstanceof
must be suitably aligned, particularly with respect to null handling. Similarly, a switch whose case labels are a series of nested patternsD(P)
must have a simple relationship with acase D d
with a nested switch whose cases areP
, andR
. -
Consistent meaning of
. The patternvar x
and the type patternT x
is arrived at by the obvious type inference should be equivalent; the choice to usevar
or a manifest type should be purely one of developer preference and not affect the semantics. -
Generalization of
switches to sealed classes. Expression switches overenum
types get special treatment; if all the constants of theenum
are covered, the compiler will insert adefault
clause that throws on unexpected inputs (which can happen if a new constant is added and the client code not recompiled.) We want to generalize this behavior to type patterns covering all the permitted subtypes of a sealed class, and eventually when a suitably total set of patterns is wrapped in a deconstruction pattern. -
Rehabilitation of null handling. Legacy switches are quite limited; they only work over a small set of types, and can only have constant case labels. Moreover, the set of reference types supported by legacy switches are special — enums, strings, and primitive boxes — where it is extremely rare that
is a sensible member of the domain. As we generalize switch to support more types, and generalize case labels to express more complicated predicates over those types, this treatment ofnull
is quickly seen to be arbitrary and problematic, and extending it in the obvious way would introduce many sharp edges that would cause surprises and interfere with otherwise-sensible refactorings.
Because of the complexity of the switch
statement, and its history, there are still sure to be some rough edges and potholes. (Unfortunately, these rough edges are often more apparent than the benefits, since the costs can be imagined relative to the code we write today, whereas the benefits often accrue more to the code we will write tomorrow.) For example, when extending switch
to be an expression or a statement, one of these costs was the asymmetry with respect to totality between expression switches and statement switches. In the current round, these costs include having special legacy behavior for string, box, and enum switches to match the legacy null-hostility, but not extending this null-hostility to new reference-type switches, and possibly having an explicit way for statement switches to opt into the same totality treatment that expression switches get, rather than a single uniform rule.
Switches on primitives and their wrapper types are translated using the tableswitch
or lookupswitch
bytecodes; switches on strings and enums are lowered in the compiler to switches involving string hash codes or enum ordinals.
For switches on patterns we will need a new strategy. A sensible candidate is to lower the cases to a densely numbered int
switch, and then invoke a classifier function using invokedynamic
(whose static argument list includes a description of the patterns in order), whose arguments include the switch operand and whose result tells us the first case number it matches. So a switch like:
switch (o) {
case P: A
case Q: B
is lowered to:
int target = indy[BSM=PatternSwitch, args=[P,Q]](o)
switch (target) {
case 0: A
case 1: B
A suitable symbolic description of the patterns is provided as the bootstrap argument list, which builds a decision tree based on analysis of the patterns and their target types.
At the same time, we may wish to switch to an invokedynamic
-based implementation for String
and Enum
switch as well; the static desugaring of these in the compiler is complex, and the dynamic approach offers the opportunity for performance improvement in the future without having to recompile code.
No matter how rich our patterns are, it is often the case that we will want to provide additional filtering on the results of a pattern. If we are doing so in instanceof
, there’s no problem; it is easy to join multiple boolean expressions with &&
if (shape instanceof Cylinder c && c.color() == RED) { ... }
and the scoping rules already defined ensure that c
is in scope in the second clause of the conditional. But in a case
label, we do not currently have this opportunity. Worse, the semantics of switch
mean that once a case
label is selected, there is no way to say “oops, my mistake, keep trying from the next label”.
It is common in languages with pattern matching to support some form of “guard” expression, which is a boolean expression that conditions whether the case matches, such as:
case Point(var x, var y)
__where x == y: ...
There is a good reason guards are so common in languages with pattern matching; without them, a 50-way switch for which one arm needs to represent a filter condition that can’t be expressed as a pattern would have to refactor to a 50-element long if-else
chain, which results in less readable and more error-prone code.
Syntactic options (and hazards) for guards abound; users would probably find it natural to reuse &&
to attach guards to patterns; C#
has chosen when
for introducing guards; we could use case P only-if (e)
, etc. Whatever surface syntax we pick here there is a readability risk, as the more complex guards are, the harder it is to tell where the case label ends and the “body” begins. (And worse if we allow switch expressions inside guards, which we shouldn’t do.) Bindings from the case
pattern would be available in guard expressions.
An alternative to boolean guards is to allow an imperative continue
(or next-case
) statement in switch
, which would mean “keep trying to match from the next label.” Given the existing semantics of continue
, this is a natural extension, but since continue
does not currently have meaning for switch, some work would have to be done to disambiguate continue statements in switches enclosed in loops. This imperative alternative is strictly more expressive than most reasonable forms of declarative guards, but users are likely to prefer the declarative version, which more cleanly separates the dispatch criteria from the consequences.
Do we need constant patterns?
Originally, we envisioned denoting constant patterns with literals, since existing case labels use literals:
switch (i) {
case 1: ...
case 2: ...
It seemed natural to say that 1
and 2
are constant patterns, which means we could nest them: case Box(0)
. However, using literals as patterns creates additional ambiguities between patterns and expressions (is Box(0)
a pattern match or an invocation of a method?), at least for humans if not for parsers. And, constant patterns, outside of their top-level use in switch
, are just not that useful; we can always express these more flexibly with guards:
case Box(int x) when x == 1: ...
case Box(int x) when x == 2: ...
At this point, constant patterns do not seem to carry their weight. We can instead interpret a case
label as carrying a compatible literal or pattern, but not make literals into actual patterns. (This is the same move we made with instanceof
; the RHS can be either a type or a pattern, but bare type names are not patterns.) We can consider adding them later, perhaps with a different syntax (such as Box(const 0)
or Box(== 0)
) to distinguish them from expressions.
Missing primitive types
The set of primitives we can use today in switch
is limited to the integral numeric primitive types; this includes char
but leaves out float
, double
and boolean
. It is understandable why these were left out, as they are not all that useful, but as switch
gets more sophisticated their omission becomes an impediment to refactoring. For example, if P
has one binding, and Q
and R
are compatible with the type of that binding, we would like to be able to refactor:
switch (o) {
case P(Q): A
case P(R): B
switch (o) {
case P(var x):
switch (x) {
case Q: A
case R: B
However, if x
were of one of the missing primitive types, we would not be able to express this refactoring. (Adding these types isn’t hard, especially if we are free to use an indy
-based translation for these switch types.) We don’t need to do this immediately, since the above motivation only applies when we have nested patterns.
Nullity and totality
Almost no language design exercise is complete without some degree of wrestling with null
. (There is an inevitable temptation, when adding new aspects to the language, to try to exclude null from these new aspects. This temptation, however natural, usually turns out to be a mistake, because these new aspects typically have some connection to existing aspects.) As we define more complex patterns than simple type patterns, and extend constructs such as switch
(which may have existing opinions about nullity) to support patterns, we need to have a clear understanding of which patterns match null, and separate the nullity behaviors of patterns from the nullity behaviors of constructs which use patterns. For the current phase — type patterns in switch
— much of this may seem like borrowing trouble as it is largely motivated by future steps, but if we want to be able to consistently evolve to support deconstruction and nested patterns, we have to tackle this now.
Pattern matching with type patterns and instanceof
have a lot in common; this is one reason we choice to extend the semantics of instanceof
to support patterns, rather than create a similar-but-different alternate construct like matches
. It is a tempting, but unfortunately wrong, initial thought to define the semantics of type patterns purely in terms of the historical instanceof <type>
construct; this leads us to a wrong intuition about how to think about nulls in pattern matching. We will define what it means for a pattern to match a target, and then define the behavior of pattern-aware constructs in terms of matching.
A pattern is total on a type if it matches all possible values of that type — including null (for reference types). The “any” pattern (var x
) is total on all types; the type pattern T t
is total on all types U <: T
. If a pattern is total on its target type, no dynamic test is required; we already know it matches. Other than the constant pattern null
, total patterns are the only patterns that match null
If D(T)
is a deconstruction pattern with a binding of type T
, then the nested pattern D(Q)
matches x
if and only if D(var t)
matches x
and Q
matches t
. Deconstruction patterns themselves can never match null
(a deconstructor is an instance member, like a constructor, and we cannot invoke an instance member with a null receiver), but if D(var t)
matches its target, then t
may well be null.
Switch totality
Just as some patterns are total on some types, some switches are also total on some types. For a switch
, totality means that some action is taken for every member of the value set of the target type — no values “leak through” silently. Expression switches must be total (because expressions must be total); the compiler will enforce that the set of cases, in the aggregate, cover all the possible values. Currently there are two ways to get totality; a default
clause, or, for a switch over an enum
type, specifying case
clauses for all the known constants of that type.
Even today, this notion of totality is still somewhat “leaky”. If we have an enum class:
enum Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE }
and a switch expression:
Color c = ...;
int n = switch (c) {
case RED -> 1;
case GREEN -> 2;
case BLUE -> 3;
there are still two sorts of values of c
for which an explicit case
is not taken: null
and novel Color
constants that may have been introduced (via separate compilation) since this client was compiled. In these cases, the compiler ensures that an exception is thrown rather than the value being silently ignored. Let’s call these unwelcome values the remainder of the specified set of patterns on the target type.
Why do we accept this switch as total, when we know it is not really? Because the values in the remainder are, in some sense, “silly” values. It would be annoying and pedantic for the compiler to require that we provide a case null
to catch null (which would probably just throw NPE anyway) and a default
to catch constants that may arrive from the future (which would probably just throw ICCE or ISE anyway.) So we allow this switch to be accepted as “total enough”, and the compiler inserts code to handle the silly values. (If in some situation we think they are not silly, we are free to add explicit case null
or default
clauses to handle them.)
Refining totality
With this notion of remainder, we can define some rules for when a set of patterns is total on a type, and characterize the remainder. We will define when a set of patterns P*
is total on a type T
with remainder R*
; the remainder is a set of patterns that characterizes the remainder. The intuition is that, if P*
is total on T
with remainder R*
, the values matched by R*
but not by P*
are deemed to be “silly” values and a language construct like switch can (a) consider P*
sufficient to establish totality and (b) can insert synthetic tests for each of the patterns in R*
that throw. We start with the obvious base cases:
{ T t }
is total on anyU <: T
with empty remainder. -
{ var t }
is total on all typesT
with empty remainder. -
case corresponds to a pattern that is total on all typesT
with empty remainder.
Now, let D(T)
be a deconstruction pattern with a single binding of type T
. Then:
- If
{ Q }
is total onT
with remainderR*
, then {D(Q)
} is total onD
with remainder{ null }
∪{ D(R) : R in R* }
By this rule, we see that, Box(Bag(var s))
is total on Box<Bag<String>>
with remainder { null, Box(null) }
We can recast our rule about enums more explicitly. Suppose E
is an enum class with constants C1..Cn
- The set of constant patterns
{ C1, ... Cn }
is total on E with remainder{ null, E e}
At first, this rule might look useless — since the remainder pattern is the entirety of what we’re matching. But what this means is that, after matching all the provided cases, the only thing left are “silly” values, and the silly values are completely characterized by the set of patterns { null, E e }
There is an obvious analogue of this rule for sealed classes. Suppose S
is an abstract sealed class or interface, with permitted direct subtypes C0..Cn
, and P*
is a set of patterns.
- If for each
there exists a subsetP(Cn)
that is total onCn
with remainderRn
, thenP*
is total onS
with remainder{ null, S s }
∪{ R0 }
∪... { Rn }
If S
is a concrete class, we can amend the above rule to add S
explicitly into the list C0..Cn
(because if S
is concrete, we need to cover it explicitly.)
Finally, if we have a total set of patterns, we can generalize lifting deconstruction over them. If D(T)
is a deconstructor, and P*
is total on T
with remainder R*
, then:
{ D(P) : P in P* }
is total onD
with remainder{ null }
∪{ D(R) : R in R* }
If we need to cover union types, there is also a simple rule for that:
- If
is total onA
with remainderR*
, andQ*
is total onB
with remainderS*
, thenP*
is total onA|B
with remainderR*
This construction (which is simplified in that it only covers deconstruction patterns of arity 1) both provides a basis to determine whether a set of patterns is total on a type, but also constructs the remainder. The motivation for all these rules is the same as outlined above for enums — the remainder values are often enough “silly” values that the cost of expecting users to spell them out would be excessive.
We can now simply say that for a total switch on a target type T
(which currently includes only expression switches), the set of patterns named by the cases must be total on T
with some remainder according to these rules, and the compiler can insert synthetic cases to throw on the remainder. If the switch contains more patterns than are required for totality, the only effect is that some of these synthetic cases may never be reached.
Guarded patterns should be ignored entirely for purposes of computing totality.
Patching the legacy holes
We have so far described a switch
construct where null
is just an ordinary value and where some patterns match null
. For total switches where null
is in the remainder of the pattern set, the above construction covers throwing NPE
. But for partial switches (such as statement switches), null would be ignored like any other non-matched value. This is inconsistent with the current treatment of null
in the few reference-targeted switches that we currently have, so to accomodate this, we add the following rule for compatibility:
- For a switch on
, a primitive box type, or an enum type, if there is no explicitcase null
, we insert an implicitcase null
at the beginning of theswitch
that throwsNPE
This means switches on these types continue to be preemptively null-hostile as before, but we add the ability to handle the null explicitly, and for switches on other types, the more general rules outlined here apply.
Looking ahead: pattern assignment
We used totality of pattern sets to determine whether a switch was total. We can use the same machinery to unify pattern assignment with local variable declaration.
We anticipate a pattern assignment statement:
P = e;
In the case of a var x
or type pattern, this looks like just like a local variable declaration and has the same semantics. But we can extend it to any pattern that is total (possibly with some remainder) on the static type of e
; the compiler then generates code to throw on the remainder. Deconstruction patterns are a prime example; we would like to be able to say
Point(var x, var y) = aPoint;
and treat null
as dynamically rejected remainder.
Total patterns in instanceof
Our decision to use instanceof
for pattern matching rather than creating a new match
operator leaves us with one sharp edge. There are two forms for instanceof
x instanceof Type
x instanceof Pattern
In the former case, the semantics are fixed; it is true if and only if x
is a non-null instance of that type. But in the latter case, a total pattern like var x
matches null. It would be weird if
x instanceof Object
x instanceof Object o`
had different semantics; this would be a sharp edge. It might seem “obvious” that this is evidence of an error somewhere, but really, this is just collateral damage from rehabilitating instanceof
rather than creating a parallel matches
construct with subtly different semantics.
In any case, there is an obvious and sensible fix here: disallow patterns that are total with no remainder in instanceof
. It is sensible because x instanceof <total pattern>
is in some sense a silly question, in that it will always be true and there’s a simpler way (local variable assignment) to express the same thing. (More generally, we are saying that instanceof
should always be asking a question.) If the question is a silly one to ask, and the ability to ask it creates confusion, then outlawing it solves the problem.
Refactoring switches
These semantics allow us to freely refactor between switch statements and chains of if (x instanceof P) ... else if (x instanceof Q)
without fear of subtle semantic change. Ignoring remainder handling (there is currently no way to ask for remainder handling in statement switches), a switch with patterns:
switch (t) {
case A: X
case B: Y
case C: Z
is equivalent to
if (x instanceof A) { X }
else if (x instanceof B) { Y }
else { Z }
if C
is total with no remainder, and
if (x instanceof A) { X }
else if (x instanceof B) { Y }
else if (x instanceof C) { Z }
otherwise. Further, a switch with nested patterns on D(T)
case D(P): A
case D(Q): B
case D(R): C
where { P, Q, R }
are total (with no remainder) on T
can be refactored to:
case D(var x):
switch (x) {
case P: A
case Q: B
case R: C
Some intuitions about totality and nullity
The interaction of totality and nullity, and the minor divergence between what it means to match and what instanceof
does, may be surprising at first.
The first thing to realize is that this new switch
is a much more powerful construct than its prior self, and the assumptions that made sense with legacy switch do not necessarily scale to a more powerful construct. Previously, switch
was restricted to types whose values were enumerable with literals — integers (and their boxes), characters, strings, and enums. These are very constrained domains, and given the context in which reference switches got off the ground (in Java 1.0, there were not even any switches over reference types; switches over enums and boxes was added in Java 5, and over strings in Java 7), it seemed a pragmatic consideration at the time to just outlaw null, since null primitive boxes and null enum values were considered “silly”. But as switch becomes more general and case labels become more powerful, this assumption itself starts to turn silly.
As a motivating example, consider:
record Box(Object o) { }
Box box = ...
switch (box) {
case Box(var x):
We’ll further posit that the Box
class expresses no opinions about what it holds; null
is as good a value as any. That means that it is OK to construct:
Box bnull = new Box(null);
So the first question is, should Box(var x)
match bnull
, and assign null
to x
? Really, there’s no way it could do anything else, because of what deconstruction is — it is the dual of construction. If I can put a null
in a box with the constructor, it would be absurd if I could not take a null
out of the box with the corresponding deconstructor. It would be like having a List
that you could put null
elements into, but couldn’t get them out; this would be a terrible List
implementation. (And, if the Box
constructor rejects nulls, it doesn’t matter, because the case where the deconstructor might serve up a null
would never come up.)
The var x
pattern is the most general pattern we have that can nest in the Box
deconstruction pattern; it matches everything. If it didn’t match null
, then the nested pattern Box(var x)
wouldn’t match Box(null)
— which is silly because Box(null)
is a totally valid member of the value set of Box
What if we used Box(Object x)
instead of Box(var x)
? If we want var
to be mere type inference — rather than something subtly different — then the logical type to infer here is Object
, based on the declaration of the deconstructor in Box
. This means that Box(Object o)
also matches Box(null)
. And since x
matches Box(Object o)
if and only if x
matches Box(var t)
and t
matches Object o
, that suggests that null
matches Object o
So, does it mean that type patterns always match null? That would be extrapolating from too few data points. If we had:
Box b = ...;
switch (b) {
case Box(Chocolate c):
one might think that, by the above argument, it should also match bnull
. But the sensible outcome is more subtle; this is a nested pattern with a dynamic type test. We only match the target if it matches Box(var t)
, and further if t
matches Chocolate c
. In the cases where there is actually a dynamic test going on, the semantics of instanceof
is what we want — the above pattern should match on (non-null) Box
instances whose contents are non-null Chocolate
This gets more obvious when we have multiple partial cases:
switch (box) {
case Box(Chocolate c):
case Box(Frog f):
The types Chocolate
and Frog
are presumed unrelated, so we should be free to reorder the two cases, as the sets of values they match seem disjoint, right? But, if either of these matched Box(null)
, then the value sets would not be disjoint, and we would not be able to freely reorder these cases.
At first, the conjunction of these examples may seem strange, because on the one hand, it looks like Box(var x)
— which is just type inference for Box(Object x)
— should match Box(null)
, but Box(Frog f)
should not.
So what is the difference? The difference is totality. The pattern Box(Frog f)
on an arbitrary Box
encodes a dynamic test which only matches certain boxes, with a conditional destructuring should the test succeed. On the other hand, there is nothing conditional about matching Box(var x)
to a Box
— it is just pure unconditional destructuring. This becomes more obvious when we put them together:
Box box = ...
switch (box) {
case Box(Chocolate c):
case Box(Frog f):
case Box(var o):
What’s happening here is that we are handling the special cases first, and the last case is a catch-all that handles “all the rest of the boxes”; it is like a default
case, but is richer because it also destructures the target. This pattern is exceedingly common in languages with similar constructs; use the conditionality of pattern matching for the distinguished cases, and use the deconstructuring of pattern matching for the catch-all case. (This idiom should be familiar to Java developers in another context: try-catch
chains, where the specific exception types come before the catch-all handler.)
We used similar reasoning earlier, with the corner case of total patterns in instanceof
— that it is significant whether a pattern is asking a nontrivial question or not. A total pattern not asking a question, and that is significant.
It is conceivably possible that in some situation, that what the author meant by the last case was “All boxes, except those that contain null”, but in reality this is extremely unlikely; if null
is in the domain of Box
contents, then typically you want to treat the domain uniformly. (And if null
is not in the domain, it doesn’t make a difference.)
These rules are sound, but may feel a little uncomfortable at first because they are unfamiliar. There are other rules we might be tempted to adopt, but they have much sharper edges, and those sharp edges would persist long after we achieved familiarity.
Some have even suggested that var x
not match null
. But it would be terrible if there were no way to say "Match any Box
, even if it contains null
. One might be initially tempted to patch this with OR patterns, where we ORed together Box(var x)
and Box(null)
, but this quickly falls apart when Box
has multiple bindings; if destructuring a Box
yielded n bindings, we’d need to OR together 2^n patterns, with complex merging, to express all the possible combinations of nullity, and this would be both cumbersome and error-prone. It is hard to escape the conclusion that the last pattern is intended to match any Box
— including those that contain null
Scala and C# took a different road, where var
patterns are not just type inference, they are “any” patterns — so Box(Object o)
matches boxes containing a non-null payload, where Box(var o)
matches all boxes. This aligns the meaning of the Object o
pattern with that of instanceof
, but at a serious cost: that var
is no longer mere type inference. Users should not have to choose between the semantics they want and being explicit about types; these should be orthogonal choices, and the choice to leave types implicit should be solely one of whether the manifest types are deemed to improve or impair readability.