Type Annotations

The goals of the Type Annotations Project were:

  1. Develop the Reference Implementation of JSR 308, Annotations on Java Types. Development was covered by JEP 104.

  2. Integrate the Reference Implementation into JDK 8, the Reference Implementation of JSR 337, Java SE 8 Release Contents.

As of March 2014, development is finished and integration into JDK 8 is complete. The Project's mailing list (type-annotations-dev) and Mercurial forest (type-annotations) have been archived. The JSR 308 Expert Group mailing list (type-annotations-spec-experts) has also been archived.

Please report bugs in the implementation to bugreport.java.com or (if you are an OpenJDK Committer) via bugs.openjdk.org.

The Project was sponsored by the Compiler Group.
