JVM Language Summit — Agenda

The Summit will take place Monday and Tuesday, July 30–31, 2018. Our two days will be divided as follows (talks are in yellow and workshops are in green).

Monday Tuesday
8:30 Breakfast 8:30 Breakfast
8:45 8:45
9:00 Saab: Welcome from Oracle 9:00 Rose:
Going Meta to Valhalla & Panama
9:15 9:15
9:30 Pressler/Bateman: Project Loom 9:30
9:45 9:45 Simms/Ajila:
LWorld (Journey To Valhalla)
10:00 10:00
10:15 Break 10:15
10:30 10:30 Break
10:45 Nutter:
Graal Without Truffle
11:00 11:00 Viswanathan/Ivanov:
Java Vector API
11:15 11:15
11:30 1) Graal, Truffle, JVMCI
2) Loom & Concurrency
11:45 11:45 1) Panama, Vector API
2) Garbage Collection, ZGC
12:00 12:00
12:15 Lunch 12:15
12:30 12:30 Lunch
12:45 12:45
13:00 Heidinga/Sandoz:
13:15 13:15 Kinnear:
13:30 13:30
13:45 Goetz/Romero:
Java Intrinsics
14:00 14:00 Thomas:
Truly final Fields
14:15 14:15
14:30 Break 14:30
14:45 14:45 Break
15:00 Wasserman/Bourrillion:
Codebase Research
15:15 15:15 Redestad:
Startup Challenges
15:30 15:30
15:45 Gromov:
IDE-Friendly Language Design
16:00 16:00 Tene:
Cross-Run Considerations
16:15 16:15
16:30 Lightning Talks 16:30
16:45 16:45 1) Valhalla
2) AOT, Startup (CDS)
17:00 1) Compilers, Runtimes, Interop
2) Profiling (JFR), Serviceability
17:15 17:15
17:30 17:30
17:45 17:45
18:00 18:00 Dinner
18:15 18:15
18:30 18:30

Notes on the Agenda

  • All presentations will take place in Oracle's Auditorium building, south of Palm Drive.
  • Presentations will run in a single track, 45 minutes each (including questions).
  • Workshops will run for 45 minutes, with two or more workshops in parallel if necessary. Workshops are scheduled so that informal discussions can carry on into the subsequent time slot.
  • Light breakfast and lunch are served on site.
  • Breakout rooms are available for workshops, quiet conversation, and ad hoc consultations.
Vitruvian Duke