JVM Language SummitAugust 1–3, 2016
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The summit is held in a single classroom-style room to support direct communication between participants. About 100–120 attendees are expected.
The schedule consists of a single track of traditional presentations (about 6 each day) interspersed with less-formal multi-track “workshop” discussion groups (2–4 each day) and, possibly, impromptu “lightning talks.”
Workshops will be less structured than in the past, favoring an open discussion format with only a small amount of prepared material. Thus, rather than collecting workshop abstracts from speakers, we're asking each registrant to suggest a few topics of interest. After choosing the most popular topics, we'll ask some registrants if they'd like to act as discussion leaders.
Why Should I Attend?
- Three days of technical presentations and conversations about programming languages and the JVM.
- Prepared talks by numerous visiting language experts, OpenJDK engineers, and other Java luminaries.
- Many opportunities to visit and network with your peers.
- Da Vinci Machine Project memorabilia (useful for proving to your grandchildren that you were there).
- Dinner at a local restaurant, such as the Faultline Brewing Company.
- A chance to help shape the future of programming languages on the JVM.
As space allows, we are open for registration at register.jvmlangsummit.com.
Speakers: If you’d like give a presentation, please register as a Speaker and include a detailed abstract. Speaker registration will remain open through May 23. There is no fee. See below for help preparing your abstract and talk. You will be notified about whether your proposal has been accepted; if not, you will be able to register as a regular attendee.
Regular attendees: Please register as an Attendee. To cover costs, we are charging a nominal conference fee of $250 when your registration is confirmed. Space is limited, and availability for regular attendees is initially small to ensure we do not overbook. If there are currently no openings, please register with the Attendee Wait List and you will be informed when more openings become available.
Oracle employees: Typically, there are more Oracle employees interested in attending than there is space to accomodate them. Thus, attendance by Oracle employees will be carefully controlled. If you would like to give a presentation, you should register as a Speaker. Otherwise, please register as an Oracle Attendee and let your manager know that you are interested in attending. You will be notified about whether you have been approved to attend.
Questions? Please send inquiries to
All registrants should review the Oracle Event Code of Conduct.
Instructions for Speakers
For a successful speaker submission, please note the following:
- All talks should be deeply technical, given by designers and implementors to designers and implementors. We all speak bytecode here!
- Each talk, we hope and expect, will inform the audience, in detail, about the state of the art of language design or implementation on the JVM, or will explore the present and future capabilities of the JVM itself. (Some will do so indirectly by discussing non-JVM technologies.)
- Know your audience: attendees may not be likely to ever use your specific language or tool, but could learn something from your interactions with the JVM. A broad goal of the summit is to inspire us to work together on JVM-based technologies that enable a rich ecosystem at higher layers.
The conference will be recorded professionally for posting on the Internet. We encourage you to allow your talk to be recorded and posted by completing the speaker release form (PDF). If you do not wish your talk to be recorded, simply do not complete the release form.
Previous Summits
Our short URL is jvmlangsummit.com. It redirects into the OpenJDK Da Vinci Machine Project.