Java SE 25 Platform JSR 400
This is the primary web page for JSR 400, the Platform JSR for Java SE 25.
The original JSR submission may be found on the official JCP official JCP page.
Expert Group
- Simon Ritter (Azul Systems)
- Stephan Herrmann (Eclipse Foundation)
- Andrew Haley (Red Hat)
- Christoph Langer (SAP SE)
- Iris Clark (Oracle)
2024/12 Expert Group formation 2025/06 - 2025/08 Public Review 2025/09 Final Release
Draft releases of the Specification and Reference Implementation may be regularly accessed from the links provided below.
Mailing lists
There are three mailing lists:
java-se-spec-experts is the Expert Group (EG) list. Only EG members may subscribe and post to this list, but the archives are public.
java-se-spec-observers is for those who wish to monitor and, perhaps, discuss the EG's progress. Messages sent to the primary EG list are automatically forwarded to this list. Anyone may subscribe to this list, and any subscriber may post. EG members are under no obligation to follow the traffic on this list.
java-se-spec-comments is for sending comments, suggestions, and other feedback directly to the EG. Only EG members may subscribe to this list, but anyone may post, although posts are moderated in order to prevent spam. The archives are public. The EG will read all messages sent to this list.
JEP Dashboard lists all JDK Enhancement Proposals (JEPs) for this release which change the Platform Specification. They have a Scope of "SE". JEPs in the first filter (blue title bar) corresponding to Status of "propose to target", "targeted", "integrated", "complete", or "closed/delivered" are expected in this release.
CSR Dashboard lists all Compatibility & Specification Review (CSR) requests for this release which affect this Specification (Scope = "SE"). CSRs in the first two filters (Status of "proposed", "finalized", "pended", or "provisional") may be in this release. The third filter (green title bar) containing CSRs with Status of "closed/approved" are expected. Status descriptions may be found on the Fields of a CSR page.
Latest Specification will reference the latest working version of the Platform Specification.
Latest JavaDoc API and Diffs will contain references to the JavaDoc API from the most recent build. Diffs from the most recent build and from JSR 399 (Java SE 23) will be provided.
Latest Early-Access Build references the weekly promoted build of the OpenJDK source which will become the Reference Implementation.
Issues describes open and resolved EG concerns.