JDK 10 Late-Enhancement Request Process

This process applies from Rampdown Phase One until the end of the release.

Requesting approval for a late enhancement

If you wish to integrate an enhancement after Rampdown Phase One begins then you can request approval as follows: Update the JBS issue to add a comment whose first line is "Late Enhancement Request". In that comment describe the risk level, a brief justification, and your best estimate of the date by which you'll integrate it. Add the label jdk10-enhancement-request to the issue.

Reviewing enhancement requests

The JDK Project Lead or a delegate, in case of absence, will review pending enhancement requests on a regular basis, several times per week. They will take one of the following actions:

JBS query for pending requests: http://j.mp/jdk-enhancement-pending

Responding to actions taken on your request

Last update: 2017/12/24 04:47 UTC