JEP draft: Stable Values & Collections (Preview)

AuthorsPer Minborg, Maurizio Cimadamore
Componentcore-libs / java.lang
Created2023/07/24 15:11
Updated2024/04/18 13:20

Stable Values & Collections (Preview)


Introduce a Stable Values & Collections API, which provides immutable value holders where elements are initialized at most once. Stable Values & Collections offer the performance and safety benefits of final fields, while offering greater flexibility as to the timing of initialization. This is a preview API.




Most Java developers have heard the advice "prefer immutability" (Effective Java, Item 17). Immutability confers many advantages including:

Java's main tool for managing immutability is final fields (and more recently, record classes). Unfortunately, final fields come with restrictions. Final instance fields must be set by the end of the constructor, and static final fields during class initialization. Moreover, the order in which final field initializers are executed is determined by the textual order and is then made explicit in the resulting class file. As such, the initialization of a final field is fixed in time; it cannot be arbitrarily moved forward. In other words, developers cannot cause specific constants to be initialized after the class or object is initialized. This means that developers are forced to choose between finality and all its benefits, and flexibility over the timing of initialization. Developers have devised several strategies to ameliorate this imbalance, but none are ideal.

For instance, monolithic class initializers can be broken up by leveraging the laziness already built into class loading. Often referred to as the class-holder idiom, this technique moves lazily initialized state into a helper class which is then loaded on-demand, so its initialization is only performed when the data is actually needed, rather than unconditionally initializing constants when a class is first referenced:

// ordinary static initialization
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("");
LOGGER.log(Level.DEBUG, ...);

we can defer initialization until we actually need it:

// Initialization-on-demand holder idiom
Logger logger() {
    class Holder {
         static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("");
    return Holder.LOGGER;
LOGGER.log(Level.DEBUG, ...);

The code above ensures that the Logger object is created only when actually required. The (possibly expensive) initializer for the logger lives in the nested Holder class, which will only be initialized when the logger method accesses the LOGGER field. While this idiom works well, its reliance on the class loading process comes with significant drawbacks. First, each constant whose computation needs to be deferred generally requires its own holder class, thus introducing a significant static footprint cost. Second, this idiom is only really applicable if the field initialization is suitably isolated, not relying on any other parts of the object state.

It should be noted that even though eventually outputting a message is slow compared to obtaining the Logger instance itself, the LOGGER::logmethod starts with checking if the selected Level is enabled or not. This latter check is a relatively fast operation and so, in the case of disabled loggers, the Logger instance retrieval performance is important. For example, logger output for Level.DEBUG is almost always disabled in production environments.

Alternatively, the double-checked locking idiom, can also be used for deferring the evaluation of field initializers. The idea is to optimistically check if the field's value is non-null and if so, use that value directly; but if the value observed is null, then the field must be initialized, which, to be safe under multi-threaded access, requires acquiring a lock to ensure correctness:

// Double-checked locking idiom
class Foo {
    private volatile Logger logger;
    public Logger logger() {
        Logger v = logger;
        if (v == null) {
            synchronized (this) {
                v = logger;
                if (v == null) {
                    logger = v = Logger.getLogger("");
        return v;

The double-checked locking idiom is brittle and easy to get subtly wrong (see Java Concurrency in Practice, 16.2.4.) For example, a common error is forgetting to declare the field volatile resulting in the risk of observing incomplete objects.

While the double-checked locking idiom can be used for both class and instance variables, its usage requires that the field subject to initialization is marked as non-final. This is not ideal for several reasons:

Furthermore, the idiom shown above needs to be modified to properly handle null values, for example using a sentinel value.

The situation is even worse when clients need to operate on a collection of immutable values.

An example of this is an array that holds HTML pages that correspond to an error code in the range [0, 7] where each element is pulled in from the file system on-demand, once actually used:

class ErrorMessages {

    private static final int SIZE = 8;

    // 1. Declare an array of error pages to serve up
    private static final String[] MESSAGES = new String[SIZE];

    // 2. Define a function that is to be called the first
    //    time a particular message number is referenced
    private static String readFromFile(int messageNumber) {
        try {
            return Files.readString(Path.of("message-" + messageNumber + ".html"));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

    static synchronized String message(int messageNumber) {
        // 3. Access the memoized array element under synchronization
        //    and compute-and-store if absent.
        String page = MESSAGES[messageNumber];
        if (page == null) {
            page = readFromFile(messageNumber);
            MESSAGES[messageNumber] = page;
        return page;


We can now retrieve an error page like so:

String errorPage = ErrorMessages.errorPage(2);

// <!DOCTYPE html>
// <html lang="en">
//   <head><meta charset="utf-8"></head>
//   <body>Payment was denied: Insufficient funds.</body>
// </html>

Unfortunately, this approach provides a plethora of challenges. First, retrieving the values from a static array is slow, as said values cannot be constant-folded. Even worse, access to the array is guarded by synchronization that is not only slow but will block access to the array for all elements whenever one of the elements is under computation. Furthermore, the class holder idiom (see above) is undoubtedly insufficient in this case, as the number of required holder classes is statically unbounded - it depends on the value of the parameter SIZE which may change in future variants of the code.

What we are missing -- in all cases -- is a way to promise that a constant will be initialized by the time it is used, with a value that is computed at most once. Such a mechanism would give the Java runtime maximum opportunity to stage and optimize its computation, thus avoiding the penalties (static footprint, loss of runtime optimizations) that plague the workarounds shown above. Moreover, such a mechanism should gracefully scale to handle collections of constant values, while retaining efficient computer resource management.

The attentive reader might have noticed the similarity between what is sought after here and the JDK internal annotationjdk.internal.vm.annotation.@Stable. This annotation is used by JDK code to mark scalar and array variables whose values or elements will change at most once. This annotation is powerful and often crucial to achieving optimal performance, but it is also easy to misuse: further updating a @Stable field after its initial update will result in undefined behavior, as the JIT compiler might have already constant-folded the (now overwritten) field value. In other words, what we are after is a safe and efficient wrapper around the @Stable mechanism - in the form of a new Java SE API that might be enjoyed by all client and 3rd-party Java code (and not the JDK alone).


Preview feature

Stable Values & Collections is a preview API, disabled by default. To use the Stable Value and Collections APIs, the JVM flag --enable-preview must be passed in, as follows:


The Stable Values & Collections API defines functions and an interface so that client code in libraries and applications can

The Stable Values & Collections API resides in the java.lang package of the java.base module.

Stable values

A stable value is a holder object that is set at most once whereby it goes from "unset" to "set". It is expressed as an object of type jdk.internal.lang.StableValue, which, like Future, is a holder for some computation that may or may not have occurred yet. Fresh (unset) StableValue instances are created via the factory method StableValue::of:

class Bar {
    // 1. Declare a Stable field
    private static final StableValue<Logger> LOGGER = StableValue.of();

    static Logger logger() {

        if (!LOGGER.isSet()) {
            // 2. Set the stable value _after_ the field was declared
            return LOGGER.setIfUnset(Logger.getLogger(""));
        // 3. Access the stable value with as-declared-final performance
        return LOGGER.orThrow();

Setting a stable value is an atomic, thread-safe operation, i.e. StableValue::setIfUnset, either results in successfully initializing the StableValue to a value, or returns an already set value. This is true regardless of whether the stable value is accessed by a single thread, or concurrently, by multiple threads.

A stable value may be set to null which then will be considered its set value. Null-averse applications can also use StableValue<Optional<V>>.

In many ways, this is similar to the holder-class idiom in the sense it offers the same performance and constant-folding characteristics. It also incurs a lower static footprint since no additional class is required.

However, there is an important distinction; several threads may invoke the Logger::getLogger method simultaneously if they call the logger() method at about the same time. Even though StableValue will guarantee, that only one of these results will ever be exposed to the many competing threads, there might be applications where it is a requirement, that a supplying method is only called once.

In such cases, it is possible to compute and set an unset value on-demand as shown in this example in which case StableValue will uphold the invoke-at-most-once invariant for the provided Supplier:

class Bar {
    // 1. Declare a stable field
    private static final StableValue<Logger> LOGGER = StableValue.of();
    static Logger logger() {
        // 2. Access the stable value with as-declared-final performance
        //    (single evaluation made before the first access)
        return LOGGER.computeIfUnset( () -> Logger.getLogger("") );

When retrieving values, StableValue instances holding reference values are faster than reference values managed via double-checked-idiom constructs as stable values rely on explicit memory barriers rather than performing volatile access on each retrieval operation. In addition, stable values are eligible for constant folding optimizations.

Stable collections

While initializing a single field of type StableValue is cheap (remember, creating a new StableValue object only creates the holder for the value), this (small) initialization cost has to be paid for each field of type StableValue declared by the class. As a result, the class static and/or instance initializer will keep growing with the number of StableValue fields, thus degrading performance.

To handle these cases, the Stable Values & Collections API provides constructs that allow the creation and handling of a List of stable elements. Such a List is a list whose stable-value elements are created lazily on-demand when a particular element is accessed. Lists of lazily computed values are objects of type List<StableValue<V>>. Consequently, each element in the list enjoys the same properties as a StableValue but may require fewer resources.

Like a StableValue object, a List of stable value elements is created via a factory method by providing the size of the desired List:

static <V> List<StableValue<V>> StableValue.ofList(int size) { ... }

This allows for improving the handling of lists with stable values and enables a much better implementation of the ErrorMessages class mentioned earlier. Here is an improved version of the class which is now using the newly proposed API:

class ErrorMessages {

    private static final int SIZE = 8;

    // 1. Declare a stable list of default error pages to serve up
    private static final List<StableValue<String>> MESSAGES = StableValue.ofList(SIZE);

    // 2. Define a function that is to be called the first
    //    time a particular message number is referenced
    private static String readFromFile(int messageNumber) {
        try {
            return Files.readString(Path.of("message-" + messageNumber + ".html"));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

    static String errorPage(int messageNumber) {
        // 3. Access the stable list element with as-declared-final performance
        //    (evaluation made before the first access)
        return StableValue.computeIfUnset(MESSAGES, messageNumber, ErrorMessages::readFromFile);

Just like before, we can perform retrieval of error pages like this:

String errorPage = ErrorMessages.errorPage(2);

// <!DOCTYPE html>
// <html lang="en">
//   <head><meta charset="utf-8"></head>
//   <body>Payment was denied: Insufficient funds.</body>
// </html>

Note how there's only one field of type List<StableValue<String>> to initialize even though every computation is performed independently of the other element of the list when accessed (i.e. no blocking will occur across threads computing distinct elements simultaneously). Also, the IntSupplier provided at computation is only invoked at most once for each distinct index. The Stable Values & Collections API allows modeling this cleanly, while still preserving good constant-folding guarantees and integrity of updates in the case of multi-threaded access.

It should be noted that even though a lazily computed list of stable elements might mutate its internal state upon external access, it is still shallowly immutable because no first-level change can ever be observed by an external observer. This is similar to other immutable classes, such as String (which internally caches its hash value), where they might rely on mutable internal states that are carefully kept internally and that never shine through to the outside world.

Just as a List can be lazily computed, a Map of lazily computed stable values can also be defined and used similarly. In the example below, we lazily compute a map's stable values for an enumerated collection of pre-defined keys:

class MapDemo {

    // 1. Declare a stable map of loggers with two allowable keys:
    //    "" and ""
    static final Map<String, StableValue<Logger>> LOGGERS =
            StableValue.ofMap(Set.of("", ""));

    // 2. Access the memoized map with as-declared-final performance
    //    (evaluation made before the first access)
    static Logger logger(String name) {
        return StableValue.computeIfUnset(LOGGERS, name, Logger::getLogger);

This concept allows declaring a large number of stable values which can be easily retrieved using arbitrarily, but pre-specified, keys in a resource-efficient and performant way. For example, high-performance, non-evicting caches may now be easily and reliably realized.

Providing an EnumSet<K> to the StableValue::ofMap factory will unlock additional storage and performance optimizations for the returned map with stable values.

It is worth remembering, that the stable collections all promise the function provided at computation (used to lazily compute elements or values) is invoked at most once per index or key; even though used from several threads.

Memoized functions

So far, we have talked about the fundamental features of Stable Values & Collections as securely wrapped @Stable value holders. However, it has become apparent, stable primitives are amenable to composition with other constructs in order to create more high-level and powerful features.

Memoized functions are functions where the output for a particular input value is computed only once and is remembered such that remembered outputs can be reused for subsequent calls with recurring input values. Here is how we could make sure Logger.getLogger("") in one of the first examples above is invoked at most once (provided it executes successfully) in a multi-threaded environment:

class Memoized {

    // 1. Declare a map with stable values
    private static final Map<String, StableValue<Logger>> MAP =
            StableValue.ofMap(Set.of("", ""));

    // 2. Declare a memoized (cached) function backed by the stable map
    private static final Function<String, Logger> LOGGERS =
            n -> StableValue.computeIfUnset(MAP, n, Logger::getLogger);


    private static final String NAME = "";

    // 3. Access the memoized value via the function with as-declared-final
    //    performance (evaluation made before the first access)
    Logger logger = LOGGERS.apply(NAME);

In the example above, for each key, the function is invoked at most once per loading of the containing class MapDemo (MapDemo, in turn, can be loaded at most once into any given ClassLoader) as it is backed by a Map with lazily computed values which upholds the invoke-at-most-once-per-key invariant.

It should be noted that the enumerated collection of keys given at creation time constitutes the only valid input keys for the memoized function.

Similarly to how a Function can be memoized using a backing lazily computed map, the same pattern can be used for an IntFunction that will record its cached value in a backing stable list:

// 1. Declare a stable list of default error pages to serve up
private static final List<StableValue<String>> ERROR_PAGES = 

// 2. Declare a memoized IntFunction backed by the stable list
private static final IntFunction<String> ERROR_FUNCTION =
        i -> StableValue.computeIfUnset(ERROR_PAGES, i, ListDemo::readFromFile);

// 3. Define a function that is to be called the first
//    time a particular message number is referenced
private static String readFromFile(int messageNumber) {
    try {
        return Files.readString(Path.of("message-" + messageNumber + ".html"));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

// 4. Access the memoized list element with as-declared-final performance
//    (evaluation made before the first access)
String msg =  ERROR_FUNCTION.apply(2);
// <!DOCTYPE html>
// <html lang="en">
//   <head><meta charset="utf-8"></head>
//   <body>Payment was denied: Insufficient funds.</body>
// </html>

The same paradigm can be used for creating a memoized Supplier (backed by a single StableValue instance) or a memoized Predicate(backed by a lazily computed Map<K, StableValue<Boolean>>). An astute reader will be able to write such constructs in a few lines.


There are other classes in the JDK that support lazy computation including Map, AtomicReference, ClassValue, and ThreadLocal all of which, unfortunately, support arbitrary mutation and thus, hinder the JVM from reasoning about constantness thereby preventing constant folding and other optimizations.

So, alternatives would be to keep using explicit double-checked locking, maps, holder classes, Atomic classes, and third-party frameworks. Another alternative would be to add language support for immutable value holders.

Risks and assumptions

Creating an API to provide thread-safe computed constant fields with an on-par performance with holder classes efficiently is a non-trivial task. It is, however, assumed that the current JIT implementations will likely suffice to reach the goals of this JEP.


The work described here will likely enable subsequent work to provide pre-evaluated computed constant fields at compile, condensation, and/or runtime.