JEP 475: Late Barrier Expansion for G1

AuthorRoberto Castañeda Lozano & Erik Österlund
OwnerRoberto Castaneda Lozano
StatusClosed / Delivered
Componenthotspot / compiler
Discussionhotspot dash gc dash dev at openjdk dot org
Reviewed byThomas Schatzl, Vladimir Kozlov
Endorsed byVladimir Kozlov
Created2023/12/18 14:09
Updated2025/01/28 08:42


Simplify the implementation of the G1 garbage collector's barriers, which record information about application memory accesses, by shifting their expansion from early in the C2 JIT's compilation pipeline to later.




The increasing popularity of cloud-based Java deployments has led to a stronger focus on reducing overall JVM overhead. JIT compilation is an effective technique for speeding up Java applications, but it incurs significant overhead in terms of processing time and memory usage. This overhead is particularly noticeable for optimizing JIT compilers such as the JDK's C2 compiler. Preliminary experiments show that expanding G1 barriers early, as is currently done, increases C2's overhead by around 10-20% depending on the application. This is not surprising, given that a G1 barrier is represented by more than 100 operations in C2’s intermediate representation (IR) and results in around 50 x64 instructions. Reducing this overhead is key to making the Java Platform a better fit for the cloud.

Another major contributor to JVM overhead is the garbage collector. As a semi-concurrent generational garbage collector (GC), G1 interfaces with the JIT compilers to instrument application memory accesses with barrier code. In the case of C2, maintaining and evolving this interface requires a deep knowledge of C2 internals, which few GC developers possess. Furthermore, some barrier optimizations require applying low-level transformations and techniques which cannot be expressed in C2's intermediate representation. These obstacles have slowed down or directly blocked the evolution and optimization of key aspects of G1. Decoupling G1 barrier instrumentation from C2 internals would enable GC developers to further optimize and reduce the overhead of G1, by means of both algorithmic improvements and low-level micro-optimizations.

C2 compiles Java methods to machine code using a sea of nodes IR. This IR is a type of program dependence graph that gives the compiler great freedom in scheduling machine instructions. While this simplifies and increases the scope of many optimizations, it makes it difficult to preserve invariants about the relative ordering of instructions. In the case of G1 barriers, this has resulted in complex bugs such as 8242115 and 8295066. We cannot guarantee the absence of other issues of a similar nature.

Early experiments and manual inspection of C2-generated code show that the instruction sequences generated by C2 to implement barriers are similar to the handwritten assembly code used by the bytecode interpreter to instrument memory accesses. This suggests that the scope for C2 to optimize barrier code is limited, and that code of similar quality could be generated if the barrier implementation details were hidden from C2 and expanded only at the end of the compilation pipeline.


Early barrier expansion

Currently, when compiling a method, C2 co-mingles barrier operations together with the method's original operations in its sea-of-nodes IR. C2 expands the barrier operations for each memory access at the beginning of its compilation pipeline, when it parses bytecode into IR operations. Specific logic for G1 and C2 guides this expansion via the Heap Access API (JEP 304). Once the barriers are expanded, C2 transforms and optimizes all operations uniformly through its pipeline. This is depicted in the following diagram, where IR<C,P> denotes an IR that is specific to collector C and target operating-system/processor-architecture platform P:

Expanding GC barriers early in the compilation pipeline has two potential advantages:

However, there is limited practical benefit for two reasons:

The early expansion model has three tangible and significant disadvantages, already mentioned above: It imposes substantial C2 compilation overhead, it is opaque to GC developers, and it makes it difficult to guarantee the absence of barrier ordering issues.

Late barrier expansion

We therefore propose to expand G1 barriers as late as possible in C2's compilation pipeline, postponing it from bytecode parsing all the way to code emission, when IR operations are translated into machine code. This is depicted in the following diagram, using the same notation as above:

In detail, we implement late barrier expansion as follows:

  1. IR memory accesses generated during bytecode parsing are tagged with the information required to generate their barriers code at code emission. This information is not exposed to C2's analysis and optimization mechanisms.

  2. Instruction selection replaces abstract memory access operations with platform- and GC-specific instructions, but barriers are still implicit. GC-specific instructions are inserted at this point to, for example, make sure that the register allocator reserves sufficient temporary registers for barrier operations.

  3. Finally, during code emission, each GC-specific memory access instruction is transformed into machine code according to its tagged barrier information. This code consists of the platform-specific memory instruction surrounded by barrier code. The barrier code is generated using the barrier implementation for the bytecode interpreter, augmented with assembly-stub routines that implement calls from the barrier into the JVM.

ZGC, an alternative fully-concurrent collector in the JDK, has used this design successfully since JDK 14. In fact, we saw late barrier expansion as a precondition for achieving the stability required for ZGC to be considered production-ready in JDK 15 (JEP 377).

For late barrier expansion in G1 we reuse many of the mechanisms developed for ZGC, such as extensions to the Heap Access API and logic to perform JVM calls in barrier code. We also reuse the assembly-level barrier implementations, which already exist for all platforms to support bytecode interpretation. These implementations are expressed in (pseudo) assembly code, which is a level of abstraction familiar to all HotSpot developers.

Candidate optimizations

Preliminary experiments show that a naive implementation of late barrier expansion, without any optimizations, already achieves quality close to that of C2-optimized code. Fully closing the performance gap, however, requires adopting some of the key optimizations that C2 currently applies. As part of this work, or possibly in follow-on work, we will re-evaluate these optimizations in the context of late barrier expansion and re-implement those which have a demonstrable performance benefit at the application level.

The optimizations that we consider focus on barriers for write operations, that is, operations of the form x.f = y, where x and y are objects and f is a field. Preliminary experiments show that these constitute around 99% of all executed G1 barriers. Write barriers consist of a pre barrier, to support concurrent marking, and a post barrier, to support the partition of heap regions into generations.


GC barriers can be expanded at several different points of the C2 compilation pipeline:

Each of these points offers a different tradeoff in terms of C2 overhead, required C2 knowledge, risk of suffering instruction scheduling issues, and required platform-specific effort.

The following table summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each expansion point:

Expansion point
C2 overhead Requires C2 knowledge Control over scheduling Platform-independent
At bytecode parsing (early) High Yes No Yes
After platform-independent optimizations Medium Yes No Yes
After instruction scheduling Medium Yes Yes No
After register allocation Low Yes Yes No
At code emission (late) Low No Yes No

Another dimension of the design space is the granularity of the barrier implementation exposed to C2. For ZGC, we experimented with representing barriers using a single IR operation in addition to the corresponding memory access operation, but concluded that even this coarser representation risks causing instruction scheduling issues. This conclusion is likely to apply to G1 as well, given the similarity of the scheduling issues for both collectors.


To mitigate the risk of introducing functional failures, we will combine

To mitigate the risk of performance regressions, we will evaluate the new implementation using a set of industry-standard Java benchmarks on different platforms.

To measure and compare compilation speed and code size, we will use the functionality provided by the HotSpot option -XX:+CITime. To control the variation in size and scope of the compiled methods across JVM runs, we will measure multiple iterations of each benchmark run and use JVM options such as -Xbatch to make each run more deterministic.

Risks and Assumptions