OpenJDK Governing Board Minutes: 2023/11/09
The OpenJDK Governing Board met via conference call on Thursday, 9 November 2023 at 16:00 UTC with no initial agenda.
Five Board members were present: Georges Saab, Annette Keenleyside, Andrew Haley, Phil Race, and Mark Reinhold.
The intent of these minutes is to capture the conversational flow of the Board's discussion and also to record decisions. If you are interested only in the latter then search for the word "AGREED" throughout the text.
0. Agenda?
With all members of the Board present, Georges declared the meeting quorate and requested agenda items. Phil noted that the last meeting was a mere six weeks ago, so it was unlikely that there would be much to discuss. Georges agreed saying that the last meeting was shortly after JDK 21 was released and the excitement continued. He reported that several third-party libraries were starting to use JDK 21 and there were many good articles about Project Loom and virtual threads.
Andrew asked how the review of JEPs was going for JDK 22. Mark was pleased to report that many JEPs entered the "Proposed to Target" state relatively earlier than past releases allowing for more time for downstream processes like Compatibility and Specification Reviews (CSRs). Mark observed that JEP reviews to enter the "Proposed to Target" state are much lighter weight than those for the earlier "Candidate" state.
Georges said that there were enthusiastic reports from recent Devoxx Belgium attendees. After Andrew declared that FOSDEM (Belgium) was a "go" for February 2024, there was a brief discussion about interest in an OpenJDK Committers' Workshop in Belgium. The timing of OCW relative to FOSDEM and Jfokus (Stockholm) was also discussed as there is an overlap of attendees. Mark said he would investigate the logistics for an OCW in February 2024.
After a final solicitation for agenda items and receiving none, Georges closed the meeting.
At this point, the Board adjourned.