OpenJDK Governing Board Minutes: 2020/08/11
The OpenJDK Governing Board met via conference call on Tuesday, 11 August 2020 at 18:30 UTC with the following agenda:
- OJN legal footers
- Project Skara update
- Any other business
Four Board members were present: Georges Saab, Andrew Haley, Christian Thalinger, and Mark Reinhold.
The intent of these minutes is to capture the conversational flow of the Board's discussion and also to record decisions. If you are interested only in the latter then search for the word "AGREED" throughout the text.
1. OJN legal footers
After declaring the meeting quorate, Georges asked Chris to describe this agenda item. Chris summarized asking why do all the pages have a footer containing an Oracle copyright and Oracle Trademark? Georges asserted that there were no attorneys present to provide an answer. After a very brief discussion around how this agenda item could be addressed, the Board unanimously decided to move discussion off the record.
2. Project Skara update
Georges introduced Joe Darcy (Oracle), the Lead for Project Skara who presented a set of slides providing a brief update on Project Skara and Git.
After Joe mentioned that the JDK 8 updates repositories were not candidates to migrate to Git, Andrew asked how long support for the Mercurial server ( would continue. He said that he expected the JDK 8 update releases to be supported for some and was concerned about the server's health and longevity. Mark replied that he did not believe there was a problem keeping the server running as long as it was in use. Everybody understood that the Mercurial server's software is now considered vintage.
Skara maintains a mapping between OpenJDK usernams and GitHub accounts. Instructions to add an entry may be found on the Skara wiki. The transition of hg.ojn:jdk/jdk to a read/write master on GitHub (openjdk/jdk) similar to the existing amber and valhalla read/write masters was expected soon. Other Project repositories on the Mercurial server can set their timeline for transitions as necessary. Chris thought that the preservation of changeset hashes between Mercurial and Git was cool.
3. Any other business
None raised.
At this point, the Board adjourned.