OpenJDK Governing Board Minutes: 2016/1/14
The OpenJDK Governing Board met via conference call on Thursday, 14 January 2016 at 16:00 UTC with the following agenda:
- FOSDEM 2016
- Vulnerability Group (NDA/License)
- Any other business
Four Board members were present: Georges Saab, Andrew Haley, Doug Lea, and Mark Reinhold.
The intent of these minutes is to capture the conversational flow of the Board's discussion and also to record decisions. If you are interested only in the latter then search for the word "AGREED" throughout the text.
Georges began the meeting by saying that Java had been inching up the TIOBE index over the past year, particularly since the first update of JDK 8. He noted that some nice articles had been published, mostly attributed to new features. Andrew agreed that it was fairly interesting. Georges thought it was compelling and generally good news.
2. FOSDEM 2016
Mark declared that the FOSDEM organizers had been quite generous with their time and had scheduled a 1.5 hour Meet the Governing Board Q&A session on Sunday. Andrew, Georges, and Mark all asserted that they would be there in person. Doug said would attend via video conference. Andrew noted that there would be central video streaming this year and that the room was going to be bigger.
Andrew warned that a few people were expected to attend to air their grievances. He requested that the Board give them time to make a presentation before providing responses. Doug agreed and asked for a summary of the expected complaints. Andrew stated that nothing was unexpected and quickly listed the following: JPRT requirement for HotSpot pushes, difficulty changing the configure system, and reluctanced by the Group Lead to provide the required JEP endorsement. Mark suggested that specific examples would be helpful. Regarding JEP endorsements, Georges and Andrew both observed that the general problem of knowing who to talk to affects all new Community members. Georges said that this was something that should improve over time.
3. Vulnerability Group (NDA/License)
Georges provided a brief update saying that he'd been reviewing the suggested changes with legal counsel and that progress was being made slowly but surely. He was aware of some discussion with Red Hat legal and earlier conversation with IBM legal. Andrew's understanding was that the expected engineering process was understood but translation into acceptable legal language was difficult.
Doug wondered about John's current thinking. Andrew observed that as long as the Board was at quorate, it could move forward. Georges stated that the goal of the Group should be to make the risk low and the reward high; however, everybody may not make the same calculation. He hoped that as more people joined, the reward would increase.
4. Any other business
No other business was identified.
At this point the Board adjourned.