Interim Governance Board

The Interim Governance Board was dissolved on 7 May 2009 when its charter expired. Information about its replacement can be found here.

The Interim Governance Board (GB) was created by the execution of the OpenJDK Charter on Tuesday, 8 May 2007. The primary mission of the Interim GB is to create a Constitution for the OpenJDK Community and ratify it by an appropriate democratic process involving Members of the Community.

General discussion of governance-related topics takes place on the gb-discuss list.

Minutes from past GB meetings are available:


The Governance Board, whether Interim or not, consists of seven individuals. Three are Sun employees, appointed by Sun, and four are selected from the overall Membership of the Community. In the case of the Interim Board all seven GB members are appointed by Sun; when the Constitution is ratified then elections will be held for the four general seats. (The original Interim GB had only five Members, but the first amendment to the charter expanded it to seven.)

The Members of the Interim Governance Board are:

The Members of the Governance Board may be reached via gb(at)