Interim Governance Board
The Interim Governance Board (GB) was created by the execution of the OpenJDK Charter on Tuesday, 8 May 2007. The primary mission of the Interim GB is to create a Constitution for the OpenJDK Community and ratify it by an appropriate democratic process involving Members of the Community.
General discussion of governance-related topics takes place on the gb-discuss list.
Minutes from past GB meetings are available:
- 2007/07/12
- 2007/07/17
- 2007/08/23
- 2007/10/18 (in preparation)
- 2008/04/10
The Governance Board, whether Interim or not, consists of seven individuals. Three are Sun employees, appointed by Sun, and four are selected from the overall Membership of the Community. In the case of the Interim Board all seven GB members are appointed by Sun; when the Constitution is ratified then elections will be held for the four general seats. (The original Interim GB had only five Members, but the first amendment to the charter expanded it to seven.)
The Members of the Interim Governance Board are:
- Martin Buchholz is a software engineer at Google. A developer of the JDK core libraries at Sun for many years, he continues to contribute to OpenJDK, especially in the areas of collections, concurrency, and subprocesses. He has contributed to many free software projects over the years, most notably as maintainer of XEmacs.
- Andrew Haley is Open Source Java Technical Lead at Red Hat. He has been a GCC developer for more than a decade, working particularly on GCJ, of which he is co-maintainer. He has also made contributions to Classpath and many other GNU projects. He has been closely involved with OpenJDK since its first release, with a particular focus on improving the flow of contributions by breaking down barriers between OpenJDK developers outside Sun and those within.
- Doug Lea is a professor at SUNY, Oswego. He is an expert in object-oriented software development, distributed, concurrent, and parallel object systems, and software reusability. Doug was the Specification Lead for JSR-166, Concurrency Utilities for the Java Platform. He is a member of the JCP SE/EE Executive Committee and is a Java Champion.
- Fabiane Biznella Nardon is currently the CTO of ZILICS, a Brazilian Healthcare Information Systems provider with large distributed projects deployed in countries like Brazil and Angola/Africa. She was the architect of the Sao Paulo City Health Care Information System, a Duke's Choice Award winner in 2005. Fabiane is also the JavaTools Community Leader and a Java Champion.
- Simon Phipps is the Chief Open-Source Officer of Sun Microsystems, Inc., and an advisory member of a number of open source communities including the GNOME Foundation, OpenSPARC, OpenSolaris, and the China Open Source Promotion Union. He was also instrumental in the introduction of the Java platform to IBM in 1995.
- Mark Reinhold is the Chief Engineer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition, at Sun Microsystems, Inc. His past contributions to the platform include character-stream readers and writers, reference objects, shutdown hooks, the NIO high-performance I/O APIs, library generification, and service loaders. He was the lead engineer for the 1.2 and 5.0 releases, the specification lead for Java SE 6, and is currently leading the engineering team for the OpenJDK project. Mark holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Dalibor Topić is Sun's Java F/OSS Ambassador. He is a well-known and outspoken thought leader for the free software movement and a co-maintainer of the virtual machine project. A member of the Free Software Foundation, Dalibor participates in the GNU Classpath project and has been instrumental in bringing several Java-oriented free software projects together including GNU Classpath, Kaffe, and GCJ.
The Members of the Governance Board may be reached via gb(at)