Exploring Triton GPU programming for neural networks in Java

Paul Sandoz
February 2024

In this article we will explain how we can use Code Reflection to implement the Triton programming model in Java as an alternative to Python.

Code Reflection is a Java platform feature being researched and developed under OpenJDK Project Babylon.

We will introduce Code Reflection concepts and APIs as we explain the problem and present a solution. The explanations are neither exhaustive nor very detailed, they are designed to give the reader an intuitive sense and understanding of Code Reflection and its capabilities.


Triton is a domain-specific programming model and compiler developers can use to write programs in Python that compile to GPU code.

Triton enables developers with little or no experience of GPU hardware and GPU-specific programming languages, such as CUDA, to write very efficient parallel programs.

The release announcement for Triton states:

Triton makes it possible to reach peak hardware performance with relatively little effort; for example, it can be used to write FP16 matrix multiplication kernels that match the performance of cuBLAS—something that many GPU programmers can’t do—in under 25 lines of code. Our researchers have already used it to produce kernels that are up to 2x more efficient than equivalent Torch implementations, and we’re excited to work with the community to make GPU programming more accessible to everyone.

The Triton programming model hides the thread-based programming model of CUDA. Thereby, the Triton compiler is able to better leverage the GPU hardware e.g., such as optimizing for cases that might otherwise require explicit synchronization.

To enable this abstraction the developer programs against a Triton Python API, where arithmetic computations are performed on tensors rather than scalars. Such tensors are required to have constant shape, the number of dimensions and their size must be constant (in addition the size must be a power of two).

Vector addition

To explain the programing model we shall present a simple example, vector addition. This example is instructive even though it can be easily written in CUDA.

The complete example is presented as a tutorial at the Triton website, including how Triton integrates with PyTorch. We shall focus on the Triton program.

import triton
import triton.language as tl

def add_kernel(x_ptr,  # *Pointer* to first input vector.
               y_ptr,  # *Pointer* to second input vector.
               output_ptr,  # *Pointer* to output vector.
               n_elements,  # Size of the vector.
               BLOCK_SIZE: tl.constexpr,
               # Number of elements each program should process.
               # NOTE: `constexpr` so it can be used as a shape value.
    # There are multiple 'programs' processing different data. We identify which program
    # we are here:
    pid = tl.program_id(axis=0)  # We use a 1D launch grid so axis is 0.
    # This program will process inputs that are offset from the initial data.
    # For instance, if you had a vector of length 256 and block_size of 64, the programs
    # would each access the elements [0:64, 64:128, 128:192, 192:256].
    # Note that offsets is a list of pointers:
    block_start = pid * BLOCK_SIZE
    offsets = block_start + tl.arange(0, BLOCK_SIZE)
    # Create a mask to guard memory operations against out-of-bounds accesses.
    mask = offsets < n_elements
    # Load x and y from DRAM, masking out any extra elements in case the input is not a
    # multiple of the block size.
    x = tl.load(x_ptr + offsets, mask=mask)
    y = tl.load(y_ptr + offsets, mask=mask)
    output = x + y
    # Write x + y back to DRAM.
    tl.store(output_ptr + offsets, output, mask=mask)

The comments are quite informative, and we recommend taking a few moments to read them carefully. The program is annotated with @triton.jit, which identifies it as a Triton program.

This program is designed to be compiled to a GPU program and executed multiple times in parallel on the GPU. Each execution will have a program identifier associated with it, obtained by calling the Triton langauge API method program_id. This is not a thread identifier, although developers familiar with CUDA will likely recognize that it is used in similar manner.

The program identifier is used to locate the start index in the input and output vectors from which to compute on. The end index is determined by the method parameter, BLOCK_SIZE. Notice that this is annotated with tl.constexpr. When the program is compiled it is required that BLOCK_SIZE be passed as a constant value that is a power of two. Therefore, the interval of computation is [pid * BLOCK_SIZE, pid * BLOCK_SIZE + BLOCK_SIZE). Program execution will be arranged such that program identifiers are proportioned according to the total size of the computation with respect to BLOCK_SIZE.

The program computes the start index, held in the scalar variable block_start, but does not compute the end index. Instead, the program creates a tensor, by calling the method tl.arange:

tl.arange(0, BLOCK_SIZE)

This method creates a tensor of one dimension whose size is BLOCK_SIZE. The elements of the tensor are 32-bit integers, and they are initialized to range from 0 to BLOCK_SIZE - 1 consecutively. If, for example, the program was compiled with BLOCK_SIZE=64 then we know the tensor’s shape i.e., we know the type of the tensor. This is a very important property. It means we can statically check that expressions with tensors are type safe with respect to their shape, and if necessary insert operations to convert tensors and scalars (known as splatting or broadcasting). (In this case we also know the tensor’s elements are constant.)

The result of that tensor is then input to the following arithmetic expression which computes offsets into the vectors (pointed to by x_ptr etc.).

offsets = block_start + tl.arange(0, BLOCK_SIZE)

Python’s dynamic typing and flexible operator overloading allows the program to express the addition of a scalar with a tensor. Since we know the type of the tensor we can convert the scalar block_start to a tensor of the same type and whose elements all have the same value as block_start. This is generally referred to as a broadcasting operation (or sometimes referred to as splatting when broadcasting scalars). Then we can add the two tensors together, resulting in the offsets tensor. We know this is a 1D tensor of size BLOCK_SIZE, whose elements range from [block_start, block_start + BLOCK_SIZE).

The offsets tensor may reference vector elements that are out of bounds i.e. values greater than the size of the input and output vectors, n_elements. To protect against out of bounds access the program creates a tensor mask.

mask = offsets < n_elements

Again, Python’s dynamic typing allows the program to compare a tensor with a scalar value. Similarly to the prior addition, we can broadcast the value of n_elements to a tensor with the same type as offsets. The elements of each tensor at the same index are compared, producing a 0 or 1 element at the same index in the resulting mask tensor if the comparison returned false or true respectively.

Given the offsets and mask tensors the program can safely load tensors from memory pointed to by the pointers x_ptr and y_ptr.

x = tl.load(x_ptr + offsets, mask=mask)
y = tl.load(y_ptr + offsets, mask=mask)

If x_ptr points to 32-bit floating point values, the expression x_ptr + offsets results in a tensor of pointers to 32-bit floating point values (and similarly for y_ptr). We know the pointers are contiguous in memory, in the interval [x_ptr + block_start, x_ptr + block_start + BLOCK_SIZE).

The tl.load method will load a tensor of values from memory pointed to by tensor of pointers. The resulting tensor has the same shape as the tensor of pointers, and a zero value will be placed in the resulting tensor for any corresponding zero mask value (for access that is out of bounds).

The program can then add the two floating point tensors together and store the result.

Triton compiler

The Triton compiler is responsible for compiling a Triton program (a program written in Python and annotated with @triton.jit) to a GPU program, commonly referred to as a kernel.

The stages of the compiler can be broadly described in the following diagram.

    Python program
      |  AST visitor
    Triton MLIR
      |  Triton MLIR compiler

The Triton compiler transforms the Python program to Triton MLIR which is then compiled to PTX by the native Triton MLIR compiler.

The Multi-Level IR Compiler Framework (MLIR) provides reusable and extensible compiler infrastructure. It defines a metamodel for representing and transforming code, with corresponding C/C++ APIs and modular infrastructure for building compilers. Program functionality is specified by MLIR dialects that define a set of types and operations e.g., such as types and operations associated with linear algebra.

The Triton compiler supports a set of MLIR dialects, which define types and operations specific to Triton programs. The Triton dialect uses and depends on other MLIR dialects. For example, it uses the arith dialect and the ranked tensor type of the builtin dialect. Reusing dialects means the Triton MLIR compiler can reuse existing compiler infrastructure to compile Triton MLIR. In fact, the Triton MLIR compiler is itself likely composed of multiple transformations that progressively lower the program to PTX code.

Transformation to Triton MLIR is performed by visiting the AST of the Python program. The AST visitor is responsible for type checking the Triton program. This will include ensuring all tensors are of known shape (derived from constants input to the compiler, as explained in the next section), and expressions using tensors are shape compatible. (Some aspects of this were mentioned when describing the vector addition example.)

Given type correct tensor expressions the AST visitor can build a Triton MLIR program, inserting appropriate tensor operations and broadcasting conversions.

MLIR of a Triton program

We can execute the Triton compiler against the prior Triton program and view the Triton MLIR program. (Note that we had to make a few modifications to the Triton compiler to print out the Triton MLIR program in the absence of available CUDA software and supporting hardware.)

python3 python/triton/tools/compile.py \
  --kernel-name add_kernel \
  --signature "*fp32,*fp32,*fp32,i32,64" \
  --grid=1024,1024,1024 \

The compiler requires a signature of the kernel that declares the types of the Triton program’s parameters. Thereby, the compiler can perform static type checking. Notice the string “64” represents a constant type of integer whose value is 64, and is associated with the constant parameter BLOCK_SIZE.

The textual-form of the Triton MLIR program is as follows:

module {
  tt.func public @add_kernel_0123(%arg0: !tt.ptr<f32, 1> ,
                                  %arg1: !tt.ptr<f32, 1> , 
                                  %arg2: !tt.ptr<f32, 1> , 
                                  %arg3: i32 ) 
                                  attributes {noinline = false} {
    %0 = tt.get_program_id x : i32
    %c64_i32 = arith.constant 64 : i32
    %1 = arith.muli %0, %c64_i32 : i32
    %2 = tt.make_range {end = 64 : i32, start = 0 : i32} : tensor<64xi32>
    %3 = tt.splat %1 : (i32) -> tensor<64xi32>
    %4 = arith.addi %3, %2 : tensor<64xi32>
    %5 = tt.splat %arg3 : (i32) -> tensor<64xi32>
    %6 = arith.cmpi slt, %4, %5 : tensor<64xi32>
    %7 = tt.splat %arg0 : (!tt.ptr<f32, 1>) -> tensor<64x!tt.ptr<f32, 1>>
    %8 = tt.addptr %7, %4 : tensor<64x!tt.ptr<f32, 1>>, tensor<64xi32>
    %9 = tt.load %8, %6 {cache = 1 : i32, evict = 1 : i32, isVolatile = false} : tensor<64xf32>
    %10 = tt.splat %arg1 : (!tt.ptr<f32, 1>) -> tensor<64x!tt.ptr<f32, 1>>
    %11 = tt.addptr %10, %4 : tensor<64x!tt.ptr<f32, 1>>, tensor<64xi32>
    %12 = tt.load %11, %6 {cache = 1 : i32, evict = 1 : i32, isVolatile = false} : tensor<64xf32>
    %13 = arith.addf %9, %12 : tensor<64xf32>
    %14 = tt.splat %arg2 : (!tt.ptr<f32, 1>) -> tensor<64x!tt.ptr<f32, 1>>
    %15 = tt.addptr %14, %4 : tensor<64x!tt.ptr<f32, 1>>, tensor<64xi32>
    tt.store %15, %13, %6 {cache = 1 : i32, evict = 1 : i32} : tensor<64xf32>

MLIR programs have the property of Static Single-Assignment (SSA). We refer to variables that can only be assigned once as values (they are a bit like final variables in Java) .e.g., value %0 can never be modified.

Notice that there are only four parameters corresponding to values %arg0 to %arg3: three pointers to 32-bit floats corresponding to the two input vectors and the output vector; and the 32-bit integer corresponding to the size of the vectors. The constant parameter has been folded away.

The Python method call to tl.arange has been transformed to the Triton MLIR operation tt.make_range. The constant values passed to the Python method (the constant 0, and constant BLOCK_SIZE whose value is 64) are present as the operation’s attributes. The operation returns a value, %2, whose type is tensor<64xi32>, a ranked tensor of one dimension with a size of 64, and whose elements are 32-bit integers.

The addition in the Python expression block_start + tl.arange(0, BLOCK_SIZE) has been transformed into two operations:

%3 = tt.splat %1 : (i32) -> tensor<64xi32>
%4 = arith.addi %3, %2 : tensor<64xi32>

Before performing the addition the scalar value is converted to a tensor (“splatting”). If we carefully follow the use of values in subsequent operations we can observe that all the tensors are of constant shape.

Triton programs in Java

We will show that it is feasible for developers to write Triton programs in Java that are surprisingly comparable to the Triton programs in Python, and have the potential to compile to PTX code. The focus will be on the front-end of a Java Triton compiler that has the following stages.

    Java program
      |  Code reflection
    Java code model  
      |  Code model transformer
    Triton code model    

Using Code Reflection we can obtain a symbolic representation of the Java program, called a Java code model. We can then traverse the symbolic information in the Java code model, operations modeling Java program behaviour, and apply the rules of the Triton programming model to produce a Triton code model that contains operations modeling Triton program behaviour. Note that this transformation will not preserve Java program meaning. The resulting Triton code model is not a Java program and will not be executed by the Java runtime.

The Triton code model can then be input to subsequent compiler stages that transform it to PTX. We shall not focus on that aspect. In theory, it should be possible to reuse the existing native Triton MLIR compiler, first transforming the Triton code model to Triton MLIR.

We shall see later that code models have similar properties to MLIR. That is by design. One goal of Code Reflection is to enable interoperation with and reuse of native compiler tool chains. In combination with the Foreign Function and Memory API we have the potential to interact natively with MLIR APIs and toolchains. Triton programming in Java represents an important use-case in this respect.

A proof of concept Java Triton API and front-end compiler has been implemented, and is located in the Babylon repo here.

Vector addition

In this section we shall present the Java version of the Triton vector addition program, and it’s Java code model.

static void add_kernel2(Ptr x_ptr,  // *Pointer* to first input vector.
                        Ptr y_ptr,  // *Pointer* to second input vector.
                        Ptr output_ptr,  // *Pointer* to output vector.
                        int n_elements,  // Size of the vector.
                        @Constant int BLOCK_SIZE)  // Number of elements each program should process.
// NOTE: @Constant so it can be used as a shape value
    // There are multiple 'programs' processing different data. We identify which program
    // we are here:
    var pid = Triton.programId(0); // We use a 1D launch grid so axis is 0.
    // This program will process inputs that are offset from the initial data.
    // For instance, if you had a vector of length 256 and block_size of 64, the programs
    // would each access the elements [0:64, 64:128, 128:192, 192:256].
    // Note that offsets is a list of pointers:
    var block_start = pid * BLOCK_SIZE;
    var range = Triton.arange(0, BLOCK_SIZE);
    var offsets = Triton.add(block_start, range);
    // Create a mask to guard memory operations against out-of-bounds accesses.
    var mask = Triton.compare(offsets, n_elements, Triton.CompareKind.LessThan);
    // Load x and y from DRAM, masking out any extra elements in case the input is not a
    // multiple of the block size.
    var x = Triton.load(Triton.add(x_ptr, offsets), mask);
    var y = Triton.load(Triton.add(y_ptr, offsets), mask);
    var output = Triton.add(x, y);
    // Write x + y back to DRAM.
    Triton.store(Triton.add(output_ptr, offsets), output, mask);

The Java method, add_kernel2, is annotated with @CodeReflection. This ensures there is a Java code model available and accessible under similar access control rules as for its invocation.

The Triton class has static methods, such as arange, that define the Triton functionality, similarly named as their Python equivalents. There are many other similarities to the equivalent Python version. Vertically very similar. Less so horizontally. An obvious and notable difference is Java’s lack of operator overloading, hence the additional Triton static methods such as add and compare.

(Is it possible for Java to support operator overloading both for numeric scalars and tensors? The author thinks so and asks the reader to be patient - stay tuned for possible details at a future date.)

However, notice that no explicit broadcasting is required. The arithmetic methods accept arguments that are instances of Number. The Triton Tensor and Ptr classes extend from Number. With autoboxing it is possible to mix instances of Tensor and boxed scalars e.g., as with the expression Triton.add(block_start, range)

Explaining the Java code model

A code model is a tree containing operations, bodies, and blocks. An operation contains zero or more bodies. A body contains one or more blocks. A block contains a sequence of one or more operations. A block can declare zero or more block parameters, values. An operation declares an operation result, a value. An operation may use values as operands, but only after they have been declared.

Using this simple tree structure we can define operations that model many Java language constructs, and therefore we can build code models that model many Java programs. This may appear surprising at first. Readers may be more familiar with term “operation” in a more conventional sense, such as arithmetic operations. However, given the structure described above, there is no need to limit ourselves to this conventional sense. We are free to define an operation whose operational semantics declare a function (instances of CoreOps.FuncOp), model a Java lambda expression (instances of CoreOps.LambdaOp), or model a Java try statement (instances of ExtendedOps.JavaTryOp). Or, as we shall see later define operations that model Triton programs.

What does the code model of add_kernel2 look like? We can obtain the code model at runtime and serialize its in-memory form to a textual form.

func @"add_kernel2" (%0 : oracle.code.triton.Ptr,
                     %1 : oracle.code.triton.Ptr, 
                     %2 : oracle.code.triton.Ptr, 
                     %3 : int, 
                     %4 : int)void -> {
    %5 : Var<oracle.code.triton.Ptr> = var %0 @"x_ptr";
    %6 : Var<oracle.code.triton.Ptr> = var %1 @"y_ptr";
    %7 : Var<oracle.code.triton.Ptr> = var %2 @"output_ptr";
    %8 : Var<int> = var %3 @"n_elements";
    %9 : Var<int> = var %4 @"BLOCK_SIZE";
    %10 : int = constant @"0";
    %11 : int = invoke %10 
    %12 : Var<int> = var %11 @"pid";
    %13 : int = var.load %12;
    %14 : int = var.load %9;
    %15 : int = mul %13 %14;
    %16 : Var<int> = var %15 @"block_start";
    %17 : int = constant @"0";
    %18 : int = var.load %9;
    %19 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %17 %18
            @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::arange(int, int)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %20 : Var<oracle.code.triton.Tensor> = var %19 @"range";
    %21 : int = var.load %16;
    %22 : java.lang.Integer = invoke %21
    %23 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %20;
    %24 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %22 %23
            @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::add(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %25 : Var<oracle.code.triton.Tensor> = var %24 @"offsets";
    %26 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %25;
    %27 : int = var.load %8;
    %28 : java.lang.Integer = invoke %27
    %29 : oracle.code.triton.Triton$CompareKind = field.load
    %30 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %26 %28 %29
            @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::compare(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number, oracle.code.triton.Triton$CompareKind)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %31 : Var<oracle.code.triton.Tensor> = var %30 @"mask";
    %32 : oracle.code.triton.Ptr = var.load %5;
    %33 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %25;
    %34 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %32 %33
            @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::add(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %35 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %31;
    %36 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %34 %35
            @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::load(oracle.code.triton.Tensor, oracle.code.triton.Tensor)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %37 : Var<oracle.code.triton.Tensor> = var %36 @"x";
    %38 : oracle.code.triton.Ptr = var.load %6;
    %39 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %25;
    %40 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %38 %39
            @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::add(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %41 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %31;
    %42 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %40 %41
            @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::load(oracle.code.triton.Tensor, oracle.code.triton.Tensor)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %43 : Var<oracle.code.triton.Tensor> = var %42 @"y";
    %44 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %37;
    %45 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %43;
    %46 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %44 %45
            @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::add(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %47 : Var<oracle.code.triton.Tensor> = var %46 @"output";
    %48 : oracle.code.triton.Ptr = var.load %7;
    %49 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %25;
    %50 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %48 %49
            @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::add(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %51 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %47;
    %52 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %31;
    invoke %50 %51 %52
            @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::store(oracle.code.triton.Tensor, oracle.code.triton.Tensor, oracle.code.triton.Tensor)void";

The textual form shows the code model’s root is a function declaration (func) operation. The function declaration operation has an operation result, like all other operations, but since it’s the root of the tree there is no need to present it.

The lambda-like expression represents the fusion of the function declaration operation’s single body and the body’s first and only block, called the entry block. Then there is a sequence of operations in the entry block. For each operation there is an instance of a corresponding class present in the in-memory form, all of which extend from the abstract class java.lang.reflect.code.Op.

The entry block has four block parameters which model add_kernel2’s method parameters. These parameters are used as operands of various operations. Many operations produce operation results, e.g., %15 the result of a multiplication operation, that are used as operands of subsequent operations, and so on. The return operation has a result, again like all other operations, but since that result cannot be meaningfully used we don’t present it.

Code models have the property of Static Single-Assignment (SSA). We refer to variables that can only be assigned once as values (they are a bit like final variables in Java) .e.g., value %15 can never be modified. A variable declaration is modeled as an operation that produces a value that holds a value (a box), and access operations load or store to that box.

We can see how the operations model Java language constructs like method declarations, variables (method parameters or local variables) and access of variables, binary and unary mathematical operations, or method invocations ( e.g., to method Triton::programId).

We can also see that the general structure of the code model is very similar to the Triton MLIR program presented earlier. The contents are naturally very different, since this code model models a Java program. The compiler we will describe will transform this code model into another code model with similar structure and content as the Triton MLIR program.

Analyzing the Java code model

Before we can transform the Java code model we need to analyze it, performing type checking and attributing richer types to all the values declared in the Java code model.

To do this we shall traverse the code model building a map of value to computed type (an instance of Map<j.l.r.code.Value, j.l.r.code.TypeElement>), that represents the result of attribution after traversal is complete. In effect the traversal performs an abstract interpretation of the code. For each operation encountered we will perform some type-based computation based on its semantics.

We first have to initialize (or seed) the map with the method’s parameters and their richer types. Here is the test method for testing the vector addition program. It provides the list of code model types that are attributed to the program’s parameters.

public void test2(TritonTestData t) {
    List<TypeElement> argTypes = List.of(
            new PtrType(JavaType.FLOAT),
            new PtrType(JavaType.FLOAT),
            new PtrType(JavaType.FLOAT),
            new ConstantType(JavaType.INT, 64));


This is conceptually similar to the signature shown earlier that was passed to the (Python) Triton compiler. We have:

  • instances of PtrType encapsulating the type of value it points to, that are attributed to values of Ptr
  • instances of ConstantType encapsulating the constant type and its value, that are attributed to values that are constant
  • (similarly, but not shown), we also have instances of TensorType encapsulating shape and element type, that are attributed to values of Tensor.

These classes model Triton types, instances are Triton code model types extending from TritonType which in turn extends from j.l.r.code.TypeElement. The class JavaType models Java types, and similarly extends from j.l.r.code.TypeElement. Therefore, we can use pattern matching to operate on specific kinds of code model types, or alternatively we can uniformly operate on all code model types.

Triton types are not Java types i.e., they cannot be declared in Java programs as the types of variables. However, notice that Triton types can conveniently reuse other kinds of code model types for their own purposes e.g., a pointer to 32-bit signed integers, conveniently reusing the JavaType.INT code model type that models the Java primitive int type.

When we encounter an operation we look up the attributed types of its operands (values) that were previously computed, and from those types compute a type that is attributed to the operation’s result. And so on for subsequent operations.

We can lean into this concept and provide a higher-level abstraction for invocation operations to methods on the Triton class and implement a “mirror” class, TritonTypeInterpreter, that has methods of the same name with parameters corresponding to the expected attributed types. When we encounter such an invoke operation we obtain the attributed types from the operands using the map and then, using reflection, invoke the method on the mirror class.

Here’s the attribute implementation for the Triton.arange method:

//                Tensor arange(@Constant int start, @Constant int end)
public static TensorType arange(ConstantType start, ConstantType end) {
    assert start.cType().equals(JavaType.INT);
    assert end.cType().equals(JavaType.INT);

    int startValue = (int) start.value();
    int endValue = (int) end.value();

    return new TensorType(JavaType.INT, List.of(endValue - startValue));

We expect that both arguments passed to Triton.arange are integer constant types. From the constant parameters, start and end, we can construct and return a TensorType of one dimension with the appropriate size, and whose elements are 32-bit integers.

Here’s the attribute implementation for the Triton.load method:

//                Tensor load(Tensor ptr, Tensor mask)
public static TensorType load(TensorType ptr, TensorType mask) {
    checkTensorShape(ptr, mask);
    if (ptr.eType() instanceof PtrType eptr) {
        return new TensorType(eptr.rType(), ptr.shape());

    throw new IllegalStateException();

In this case we know that Triton.load can only accept values that are tensors, and so they are attributed tensor types. We first check that the tensor of pointers is shape compatible with the mask (either its of the same shape as the pointer or can be broadcast to that shape). Then we check that the tensor’s element type is a pointer type. If so, we construct and return a tensor type whose shape is the same as the tensor of pointers, and whose element type is type pointed to.

Below is a snippet of the Java code model presented above with comments showing the mapping of values to attributed types.

    %16 : Var<int> = var %15 @"block_start";
 // %16 : Var<int> -> int    
    %17 : int = constant @"0";
 // %17 : int -> constant<int, c0>
    %18 : int = var.load %9;
 // %18 : int -> constant<int, c64>    
    %19 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %17 %18
            @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::arange(int, int)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
 // %19 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor -> tensor<x64, int>
    %20 : Var<oracle.code.triton.Tensor> = var %19 @"range";
 // %20 : Var<oracle.code.triton.Tensor> -> tensor<x64, int>
    %21 : int = var.load %16;
 // %21 : int -> int
    %22 : java.lang.Integer = invoke %21
 // %22 : java.lang.Integer -> int
    %23 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %20;
 // %23 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor -> tensor<x64, int>
    %24 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %22 %23
            @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::add(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
 // %24 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor -> tensor<x64, int>

Transforming the Java code model

Once we have computed the map of values to attributed types we can transform the Java code model to a Triton code model.

Code models are immutable. Code models can be produced by building, or by transforming an existing code model. Transforming takes an input code model and builds an output code model. For each input operation encountered in the input code model we have the choice to add that operation to the builder of the output code model (copying), to not add it (removal), or add new output operations (replacement or addition). When an input operation is copied it’s input result is associated with the output result of the copied output operation. In other cases it is possible to explicitly control this association. If a subsequently encountered input operation uses that input result then the transformation can obtain the output result from the input result.

In general code models are not bound to just modeling Java programs. It is possible to define a set of operations and types that can be used to model programs in a specific domain. The Triton code model will contain Triton specific operations, and also those that correlate closely with dependent MLIR dialects of Triton MLIR.

Values in a Triton code model can have Triton specific code model types. In fact, we have already mentioned them in the prior section, they are types attributed to values in the Java code model e.g., TensorType and PtrType. We reuse them when building the Triton code model.

The goal here is to produce a code model that very similar to Triton MLIR. Note, it is not a goal to compete with MLIR - we want to interoperate with it.

We can define a “mirror” of the Triton API for building operations associated with invocations to that API called TritonBuilderInterpreter that has methods of the same name (similar to TritonTypeInterpreter we discussed earlier). The method parameters will be pairs of attributed type and input value, one pair for each parameter and one pair for the return.

Here’s the builder implementation for the Triton.arange method:

//    Tensor arange(@Constant int start, @Constant int end)
public Value arange(TensorType rType, Op.Result r,
                    ConstantType startType, Value start,
                    ConstantType endType, Value end) {
    return block.op(TritonOps.makeRange(
            (int) startType.value(),
            (int) endType.value()));

We use the output block builder, block, to replace the invocation to Triton.arange with the Triton make range operation, whose result type is the same as rType. Note in this case we don’t use rType, since the operation reconstructs an equivalent instance. Instances of TypeElement are value-based, so we could assert such equality e.g.,

assert arangeOp.result().type().equals(rType);

Here’s the builder implementation for the Triton.load method:

//    Tensor load(Tensor ptr, Tensor mask)
public Value load(TensorType rType, Op.Result r,
                  TensorType ptrType, Value ptr,
                  TensorType maskType, Value mask) {
    broadcastConversionRight(ptrType, maskType, mask);
    return block.op(TritonOps.load(

First, if necessary, we add a Triton operation that broadcasts the mask tensor to a new mask tensor with same shape as the pointer tensor. Then we add the Triton load operation whose result type is rType. The operands of the load operation are the output values associated with the input values to the input invocation operation. We must have previously encountered the input operations whose results are those input values, hence there will be a mapping to the output values. If a broadcast of the mask tensor is inserted then we will re-associate input mask value with the new output mask value.

Here is the textual form of the Triton code model produced by compiling the add_kernel2.

module ()void -> {
    tt.func @"add_kernel2_ptr<float>_ptr<float>_ptr<float>_int_64_void" (
            %0 : ptr<float>, 
            %1 : ptr<float>, 
            %2 : ptr<float>, 
            %3 : int)void 
            -> {
        %4 : int = arith.constant @"64";
        %5 : int = tt.get_program_id @"0";
        %6 : int = arith.muli %5 %4;
        %7 : tensor<x64, int> = tt.make_range @start="0" @end="64";
        %8 : tensor<x64, int> = tt.splat %6;
        %9 : tensor<x64, int> = arith.addi %8 %7;
        %10 : tensor<x64, int> = tt.splat %3;
        %11 : tensor<x64, int> = arith.cmpi %9 %10 @"slt";
        %12 : tensor<x64, ptr<float>> = tt.splat %0;
        %13 : tensor<x64, ptr<float>> = tt.addptr %12 %9;
        %14 : tensor<x64, float> = tt.load %13 %11;
        %15 : tensor<x64, ptr<float>> = tt.splat %1;
        %16 : tensor<x64, ptr<float>> = tt.addptr %15 %9;
        %17 : tensor<x64, float> = tt.load %16 %11;
        %18 : tensor<x64, float> = arith.addf %14 %17;
        %19 : tensor<x64, ptr<float>> = tt.splat %2;
        %20 : tensor<x64, ptr<float>> = tt.addptr %19 %9;
        tt.store %20 %18 %11;

We can see by design it is remarkably similar to the previously shown MLIR version produced by the actual Triton compiler. In fact, it contains exactly the same number of operations. Notice how the constant value for BLOCK_SIZE has been folded into the operations and types.

Further examples

The proof of concept Java Triton compiler has additional tests case that implement Triton programs in Java for:

  1. fused softmax example, see here for the Java code; and
  2. matrix multiply example, see here for the Java code.

The matrix multiply example is a compelling test case, with 2D tensors, various forms of broadcast, tensor shape expansion, computations using 16-bit floats expanding to 32-bits floats and back, and control flow. In the appendix we describe aspects of this example in more detail.

Appendix: Triton matrix multiply loop

Below we show snippets of the matrix multiply accumulating loop in Python and Java.


    # -----------------------------------------------------------
    # Iterate to compute a block of the C matrix.
    # We accumulate into a `[BLOCK_SIZE_M, BLOCK_SIZE_N]` block
    # of fp32 values for higher accuracy.
    # `accumulator` will be converted back to fp16 after the loop.
    accumulator = tl.zeros((BLOCK_SIZE_M, BLOCK_SIZE_N), dtype=tl.float32)
    for k in range(0, tl.cdiv(K, BLOCK_SIZE_K)):
        # Load the next block of A and B, generate a mask by checking the K dimension.
        # If it is out of bounds, set it to 0.
        a = tl.load(a_ptrs, mask=offs_k[None, :] < K - k * BLOCK_SIZE_K, other=0.0)
        b = tl.load(b_ptrs, mask=offs_k[:, None] < K - k * BLOCK_SIZE_K, other=0.0)
        # We accumulate along the K dimension.
        accumulator += tl.dot(a, b)
        # Advance the ptrs to the next K block.
        a_ptrs += BLOCK_SIZE_K * stride_ak
        b_ptrs += BLOCK_SIZE_K * stride_bk
    # You can fuse arbitrary activation functions here
    # while the accumulator is still in FP32!
    if ACTIVATION == "leaky_relu":
        accumulator = leaky_relu(accumulator)
    c = accumulator.to(tl.float16)


        // -----------------------------------------------------------
        // Iterate to compute a block of the C matrix.
        // We accumulate into a `[BLOCK_SIZE_M, BLOCK_SIZE_N]` block
        // of fp32 values for higher accuracy.
        // `accumulator` will be converted back to fp16 after the loop.
        var accumulator = zeros(float.class, BLOCK_SIZE_M, BLOCK_SIZE_N);
        for (int k = 0; k < cdiv(K, BLOCK_SIZE_K); k++) {
            // Load the next block of A and B, generate a mask by checking the K dimension.
            // If it is out of bounds, set it to 0.
            var a = load(a_ptrs,
                    compare(expand(offs_k, 0), K - k * BLOCK_SIZE_K, LessThan));
            var b = load(b_ptrs,
                    compare(expand(offs_k, 1), K - k * BLOCK_SIZE_K, LessThan));
            // We accumulate along the K dimension.
            accumulator = add(accumulator, dot(a, b));
            // Advance the ptrs to the next K block.
            a_ptrs = add(a_ptrs, BLOCK_SIZE_K * stride_ak);
            b_ptrs = add(b_ptrs, BLOCK_SIZE_K * stride_bk);

        // You can fuse arbitrary activation functions here
        // while the accumulator is still in FP32!
//        if (ACTIVATION) {
//            // ...
//        }
        var c = Triton.conv(Float16.class, accumulator);

The Java code is more verbose because Java does not support operator overloading, including that for overloading array slicing to expand a tensor’s dimensions. (Note the Java code in this example statically imports Triton’s static methods.)

The matrix multiply cleverly organizes the computation into groups of blocks, ensuring efficient use of memory. The matrix multiplication loops over blocks of K, loading tensors from matrices A(M, K) and B(K, N), accumulating the multiplication of those tensors, the final result of which is stored to C(M, N). The multiplication of the tensors is performed by the Triton “dot” operation. The MLIR Triton compiler can compile this operation to instructions leveraging mixed precision Tensor Cores.

The Python Triton compiler transforms the AST of the Python for loop to the MLIR scf.for operation. The for loop must be a counted loop with a well-defined lower bound, upper bound, and step. Further, the compiler has to identify variables updated within the loop that are declared outside of it. These will become loop-carried variables, the final values of which are returned by the operation when the loop terminates. In this case there are three such variables, accumulator, a_ptrs, and b_ptrs.

The Java Triton compiler needs to perform a similar transformation. Here is an abridged snippet of the Java code model showing the modelled for loop (the complete snippet is presented below in a subsequent section).

    ()Var<int> -> {
        %148 : int = constant @"0";
        %149 : Var<int> = var %148 @"k";
        yield %149;
    (%150 : Var<int>)boolean -> {
        %151 : int = var.load %150;
        %152 : int = var.load %22;
        %153 : java.lang.Integer = invoke %152 @"java.lang.Integer::valueOf(int)java.lang.Integer";
        %154 : int = var.load %31;
        %155 : java.lang.Integer = invoke %154 @"java.lang.Integer::valueOf(int)java.lang.Integer";
        %156 : int = invoke %153 %155 @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::cdiv(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number)int";
        %157 : boolean = lt %151 %156;
        yield %157;
    (%158 : Var<int>)void -> {
        %159 : int = var.load %158;
        %160 : int = constant @"1";
        %161 : int = add %159 %160;
        var.store %158 %161;
    (%162 : Var<int>)void -> {

We can clearly see that this operation contain four bodies, each of which corresponds to a nested expression or statement as specified by the Java Language Specification (see here).

The Java Triton compiler checks if the for loop is a counted loop by analyzing the operations in the first three bodies. If so then the compiler extracts and transforms the operations associated with computing the bounds and step, and identifies and transforms loop-carried variables. In the latter case we need to identify all var.store operations to values of variables that are declared outside the loop i.e., a var.store operation must be a descendant of its associated var operation in the code model tree.

(Note, since this is a proof of concept the analysis is currently very basic, more extensive capabilities would be useful as functionality in the code reflection analysis package.)

The resulting transformed snippet is shown below.

%76 : int = arith.constant @"0";
%77 : int = tt.call %17 @"cdiv_int_32_int";
%78 : int = arith.constant @"1";
%79 : Tuple<tensor<x32, x64, float>, 
            tensor<x32, x32, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>>, 
            tensor<x32, x64, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>>> = 
      scf.for %76 %77 %78 %75 %63 %74 
      (%80 : int, 
       %81 : tensor<x32, x64, float>, 
       %82 : tensor<x32, x32, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>>, 
       %83 : tensor<x32, x64, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>>)
           Tuple<tensor<x32, x64, float>, 
                 tensor<x32, x32, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>>, 
                 tensor<x32, x64, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>>> 
      -> {
    scf.yield %99 %102 %105;
%106 : tensor<x32, x64, float> = tuple.load %79 @"0";
%107 : tensor<x32, x32, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>> = tuple.load %79 @"1";
%108 : tensor<x32, x64, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>> = tuple.load %79 @"2";

We can see that the values %76, %77 and %78 correspond to the bounds and step. They are hoisted out of the counted loop and passed as operands. The values %75, %63, and %74, also passed as operands, correspond to the initial values of the loop-carried variables (the accumulator, a_ptr and b_ptr). Within the body of the loop operation there is a terminal operation, scf.yield, that yields the updated values of the loop-carried variables for the next iteration or loop’s result.

The code model design does not support operations returning multiple results. Instead, we model that capability using the code model Tuple type, that declares how many components there are and each component’s type. Hence, the loop operation returns a Tuple with three component values corresponding to the final values of the loop-carried variables, after which the tuple’s component values are unpacked.

The Triton code model snippet of Java Triton matrix multiply loop and the Triton MLIR snippet of (Python) Triton matrix multiply loop are presented below in subsequent sections (see the Java test for all details).

Java code model snippet of Java Triton matrix multiply loop

()Var<int> -> {
    %148 : int = constant @"0";
    %149 : Var<int> = var %148 @"k";
    yield %149;
(%150 : Var<int>)boolean -> {
    %151 : int = var.load %150;
    %152 : int = var.load %22;
    %153 : java.lang.Integer = invoke %152 @"java.lang.Integer::valueOf(int)java.lang.Integer";
    %154 : int = var.load %31;
    %155 : java.lang.Integer = invoke %154 @"java.lang.Integer::valueOf(int)java.lang.Integer";
    %156 : int = invoke %153 %155 @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::cdiv(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number)int";
    %157 : boolean = lt %151 %156;
    yield %157;
(%158 : Var<int>)void -> {
    %159 : int = var.load %158;
    %160 : int = constant @"1";
    %161 : int = add %159 %160;
    var.store %158 %161;
(%162 : Var<int>)void -> {
    %163 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %126;
    %164 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %110;
    %165 : int = constant @"0";
    %166 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %164 %165 @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::expand(oracle.code.triton.Tensor, int)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %167 : int = var.load %22;
    %168 : int = var.load %162;
    %169 : int = var.load %31;
    %170 : int = mul %168 %169;
    %171 : int = sub %167 %170;
    %172 : java.lang.Integer = invoke %171 @"java.lang.Integer::valueOf(int)java.lang.Integer";
    %173 : oracle.code.triton.Triton$CompareKind = field.load @"oracle.code.triton.Triton$CompareKind::LessThan()oracle.code.triton.Triton$CompareKind";
    %174 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %166 %172 %173 @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::compare(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number, oracle.code.triton.Triton$CompareKind)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %175 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %163 %174 @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::load(oracle.code.triton.Tensor, oracle.code.triton.Tensor)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %176 : Var<oracle.code.triton.Tensor> = var %175 @"a";
    %177 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %142;
    %178 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %110;
    %179 : int = constant @"1";
    %180 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %178 %179 @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::expand(oracle.code.triton.Tensor, int)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %181 : int = var.load %22;
    %182 : int = var.load %162;
    %183 : int = var.load %31;
    %184 : int = mul %182 %183;
    %185 : int = sub %181 %184;
    %186 : java.lang.Integer = invoke %185 @"java.lang.Integer::valueOf(int)java.lang.Integer";
    %187 : oracle.code.triton.Triton$CompareKind = field.load @"oracle.code.triton.Triton$CompareKind::LessThan()oracle.code.triton.Triton$CompareKind";
    %188 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %180 %186 %187 @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::compare(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number, oracle.code.triton.Triton$CompareKind)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %189 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %177 %188 @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::load(oracle.code.triton.Tensor, oracle.code.triton.Tensor)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %190 : Var<oracle.code.triton.Tensor> = var %189 @"b";
    %191 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %147;
    %192 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %176;
    %193 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %190;
    %194 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %192 %193 @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::dot(oracle.code.triton.Tensor, oracle.code.triton.Tensor)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    %195 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %191 %194 @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::add(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    var.store %147 %195;
    %196 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %126;
    %197 : int = var.load %31;
    %198 : int = var.load %24;
    %199 : int = mul %197 %198;
    %200 : java.lang.Integer = invoke %199 @"java.lang.Integer::valueOf(int)java.lang.Integer";
    %201 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %196 %200 @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::add(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    var.store %126 %201;
    %202 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = var.load %142;
    %203 : int = var.load %31;
    %204 : int = var.load %25;
    %205 : int = mul %203 %204;
    %206 : java.lang.Integer = invoke %205 @"java.lang.Integer::valueOf(int)java.lang.Integer";
    %207 : oracle.code.triton.Tensor = invoke %202 %206 @"oracle.code.triton.Triton::add(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Number)oracle.code.triton.Tensor";
    var.store %142 %207;

MLIR snippet of (Python) Triton matrix multiply loop

%47 = tt.call @"zeros____0cconstexpr_(constexpr_32_, constexpr_64_)__1cconstexpr_fp32_"() : () -> tensor<32x64xf32>
%48 = tt.call @cdiv__i32__1cconstexpr_32_(%arg5) : (i32) -> i32
%c0_i32 = arith.constant 0 : i32
%c1_i32 = arith.constant 1 : i32
%49 = arith.bitcast %c0_i32 : i32 to i32
%50 = arith.bitcast %48 : i32 to i32
%51 = arith.bitcast %c1_i32 : i32 to i32
%52 = llvm.mlir.undef : i32
%53:3 = scf.for %arg12 = %49 to %50 step %51 iter_args(%arg13 = %47, %arg14 = %35, %arg15 = %46) -> (tensor<32x64xf32>, tensor<32x32x!tt.ptr<f16, 1>>, tensor<32x64x!tt.ptr<f16, 1>>)  : i32 {
  %83 = tt.expand_dims %24 {axis = 0 : i32} : (tensor<32xi32>) -> tensor<1x32xi32>
  %c32_i32_3 = arith.constant 32 : i32
  %84 = arith.muli %arg12, %c32_i32_3 : i32
  %85 = arith.subi %arg5, %84 : i32
  %86 = tt.splat %85 : (i32) -> tensor<1x32xi32>
  %87 = arith.cmpi slt, %83, %86 : tensor<1x32xi32>
  %cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
  %88 = tt.broadcast %87 : (tensor<1x32xi1>) -> tensor<32x32xi1>
  %cst_4 = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<32x32xf32>
  %89 = arith.truncf %cst_4 : tensor<32x32xf32> to tensor<32x32xf16>
  %90 = tt.load %arg14, %88, %89 {cache = 1 : i32, evict = 1 : i32, isVolatile = false} : tensor<32x32xf16>
  %91 = tt.expand_dims %24 {axis = 1 : i32} : (tensor<32xi32>) -> tensor<32x1xi32>
  %c32_i32_5 = arith.constant 32 : i32
  %92 = arith.muli %arg12, %c32_i32_5 : i32
  %93 = arith.subi %arg5, %92 : i32
  %94 = tt.splat %93 : (i32) -> tensor<32x1xi32>
  %95 = arith.cmpi slt, %91, %94 : tensor<32x1xi32>
  %cst_6 = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
  %96 = tt.broadcast %95 : (tensor<32x1xi1>) -> tensor<32x64xi1>
  %cst_7 = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<32x64xf32>
  %97 = arith.truncf %cst_7 : tensor<32x64xf32> to tensor<32x64xf16>
  %98 = tt.load %arg15, %96, %97 {cache = 1 : i32, evict = 1 : i32, isVolatile = false} : tensor<32x64xf16>
  %cst_8 = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
  %cst_9 = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<32x64xf32>
  %99 = tt.dot %90, %98, %cst_9 {allowTF32 = true, maxNumImpreciseAcc = 0 : i32} : tensor<32x32xf16> * tensor<32x64xf16> -> tensor<32x64xf32>
  %100 = arith.addf %arg13, %99 : tensor<32x64xf32>
  %c32_i32_10 = arith.constant 32 : i32
  %101 = arith.muli %arg7, %c32_i32_10 : i32
  %102 = tt.splat %101 : (i32) -> tensor<32x32xi32>
  %103 = tt.addptr %arg14, %102 : tensor<32x32x!tt.ptr<f16, 1>>, tensor<32x32xi32>
  %c32_i32_11 = arith.constant 32 : i32
  %104 = arith.muli %arg8, %c32_i32_11 : i32
  %105 = tt.splat %104 : (i32) -> tensor<32x64xi32>
  %106 = tt.addptr %arg15, %105 : tensor<32x64x!tt.ptr<f16, 1>>, tensor<32x64xi32>
  scf.yield %100, %103, %106 : tensor<32x64xf32>, tensor<32x32x!tt.ptr<f16, 1>>, tensor<32x64x!tt.ptr<f16, 1>>
%54 = arith.truncf %53#0 : tensor<32x64xf32> to tensor<32x64xf16>

Triton code model snippet of Java Triton matrix multiply loop

%76 : int = arith.constant @"0";
%77 : int = tt.call %17 @"cdiv_int_32_int";
%78 : int = arith.constant @"1";
%79 : Tuple<tensor<x32, x64, float>, tensor<x32, x32, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>>, tensor<x32, x64, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>>> = scf.for %76 %77 %78 %75 %63 %74 (%80 : int, %81 : tensor<x32, x64, float>, %82 : tensor<x32, x32, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>>, %83 : tensor<x32, x64, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>>)Tuple<tensor<x32, x64, float>, tensor<x32, x32, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>>, tensor<x32, x64, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>>> -> {
    %84 : tensor<x1, x32, int> = tt.expand_dims %52 @"0";
    %85 : int = arith.muli %80 %26;
    %86 : int = arith.subi %17 %85;
    %87 : tensor<x1, x32, int> = tt.splat %86;
    %88 : tensor<x1, x32, int> = arith.cmpi %84 %87 @"slt";
    %89 : tensor<x32, x32, int> = tt.broadcast %88;
    %90 : tensor<x32, x32, oracle.code.triton.Float16> = tt.load %82 %89;
    %91 : tensor<x32, x1, int> = tt.expand_dims %52 @"1";
    %92 : int = arith.muli %80 %26;
    %93 : int = arith.subi %17 %92;
    %94 : tensor<x32, x1, int> = tt.splat %93;
    %95 : tensor<x32, x1, int> = arith.cmpi %91 %94 @"slt";
    %96 : tensor<x32, x64, int> = tt.broadcast %95;
    %97 : tensor<x32, x64, oracle.code.triton.Float16> = tt.load %83 %96;
    %98 : tensor<x32, x64, float> = tt.dot %90 %97;
    %99 : tensor<x32, x64, float> = arith.addf %81 %98;
    %100 : int = arith.muli %26 %19;
    %101 : tensor<x32, x32, int> = tt.splat %100;
    %102 : tensor<x32, x32, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>> = tt.addptr %82 %101;
    %103 : int = arith.muli %26 %20;
    %104 : tensor<x32, x64, int> = tt.splat %103;
    %105 : tensor<x32, x64, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>> = tt.addptr %83 %104;
    scf.yield %99 %102 %105;
%106 : tensor<x32, x64, float> = tuple.load %79 @"0";
%107 : tensor<x32, x32, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>> = tuple.load %79 @"1";
%108 : tensor<x32, x64, ptr<oracle.code.triton.Float16>> = tuple.load %79 @"2";
%109 : tensor<x32, x64, oracle.code.triton.Float16> = arith.truncf %106;