Emulating C# LINQ in Java using Code Reflection

Paul Sandoz
February 2024

In this article we will explain how to emulate aspects of C#’s Language Integrated Query (LINQ) in Java using Code Reflection. Specifically, LINQ’s capability to enable translation of LINQ queries (C# expressions) to SQL statements.

Code Reflection is a Java platform feature being researched and developed under OpenJDK Project Babylon.

We will introduce Code Reflection concepts and APIs as we go. The explanations are neither exhaustive nor very detailed, they are designed to give the reader an intuitive sense and understanding of Code Reflection and its capabilities.


C#’s guide to LINQ states:

Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is the name for a set of technologies based on the integration of query capabilities directly into the C# language. Traditionally, queries against data are expressed as simple strings without type checking at compile time or IntelliSense support. Furthermore, you have to learn a different query language for each type of data source: SQL databases, XML documents, various Web services, and so on. With LINQ, a query is a first-class language construct, just like classes, methods, and events.

Here’s a simple example of a LINQ query to a database using the query syntax:

DB db = ...;

// Query for customers in London.
IQueryable<String> custQuery =
    from cust in db.Customers
    where cust.City == "London"
    select cust.ContactName;

The query syntax is syntactical sugar for ease of reading and writing LINQ queries, but its really just a shortcut to method calls.

The class DB contains enclosed classes that model SQL tables, such as Customers whose properties, City and ContactName, model rows in the table.

We can write the same LINQ query using the method syntax.

DB db = ...;

// Query for customers in London.
IQueryable<String> custQuery =
    .Where(cust => cust.City == "London")
    .Select(cust => cust.ContactName);

A LINQ query, an instance of IQuerable, has a C# property Expression, whose value is a symbolic representation of the LINQ query. In C# such symbolic representations are referred to as expression trees. In the code above the expression tree for the query custQuery is composed of the expression trees of the lambda expressions passed to the Where and Select methods and the expression trees for the invocation expressions to those methods.

A LINQ query’s Expression property, an expression tree, has a pleasing characteristic. Evaluating the expression tree produces a new LINQ query whose expression tree is equal to the one that was evaluated i.e., for the mathematically inclined, let Q be the query, Q.e the query’s expression, and E the evaluation function (from an expression to a query), then E(Q. e) = Q. However pleasing that is, it is not of much practical use. Such expression trees are designed to be processed symbolically and transformed. For example, transforming to a different programming domain such as SQL, where expression trees of queries are translated to SQL statements.

We will focus on this aspect in Java, building a query whose equivalent expression property is a code model, a symbolic representation of Java code, that is produced by using features of Code Reflection.

Emulating LINQ-like query expressions in Java

For the purposes of emulation we can express the same query in Java as follows.

// A record modeling a table with three columns, one for each component
record Customer(String contactName, String phone, String city) {

QueryProvider qp = new linq.TestQueryProvider();

// Find all customers based in London, and return their names
QueryResult<Stream<String>> results = qp.newQuery(Customer.class)
        .where(c -> c.city.equals("London"))
        .select(c -> c.contactName)

We use a record, Customer, to model an SQL table, where the record’s components corresponds to rows in that table. We can see that the Java code looks very similar to the C# LINQ query using the method syntax.

In the following sections we will explain how this is implemented using Code Reflection.

A proof of concept implementation is available as a test located in the Babylon repository. The implementation is far from complete.

Let’s expand the fluent query into individual statements, so we can see the types.

Queryable<Customer> allCustomers = qp.query(Customer.class);
Queryable<Customer> londonCustomers = allCustomers.where(c -> c.city.equals("London"));
Queryable<String> londonCustomerNames = londonCustomers.select(c -> c.contactName);
QueryResult<Stream<String>> results = londonCustomerNames.elements();

The first three method calls produce instances of Queryable, and the final call produces an instance of QueryResult. Each instance will have a symbolic representation, a code model, of the query. We shall see that later on.

First, we create a new query, which returns an instance of Queryable<Customer>. From that we “filter” for customers located with in the city of London with a call to where, accepting a lambda expression that returns true if the customer’s city component is equal to the string “London”. Then we “map” customers to their contact names with a call to select, accepting a lambda expression that returns the customer’s contactName component. Finally, we produce a query result with a call to elements, which informs how we consume the result, in this case as a stream of customer contact names.

The signatures of the where and select methods are as follows.

default Queryable<T> where(QuotablePredicate<T> f) { /* ... */ }

default <R> Queryable<R> select(QuotableFunction<T, R> f) { /* ... */ }

QuotablePredicate and QuotableFunction are functional interfaces that extend from Predicate and Function and the Code Reflection interface java.lang.reflect.code.Quotable.

Here is the declaration of Quotable.

public interface QuotablePredicate<T> extends Quotable, Predicate<T> {

When a lambda expression is targeted to a quotable functional interface a code model for the lambda expression will be built by the source compiler and made accessible at runtime via the quotable instance. In a similar manner to how we can obtain serializable lambda expressions (using Serializable) that can be serialized, we can obtain quotable lambda expressions whose code model can be obtained.

Obtaining a code model

Let’s first focus on obtaining the code model of a quotable lambda expression. We shall return to how code models for queries are composed and built in later sections.

We can obtain the code model of the QuotablePredicate instance, checking if a customer is located in the city of London, as follows.

QuotablePredicate<Customer> qp = c -> c.city.equals("London");
Quoted q = qp.quoted();
Op op = q.op();
CoreOps.LambdaOp qpcm = (CoreOps.LambdaOp) op;

We call the Quotable::quoted method to obtain an instance of Quoted from which we obtain the code model with a call to Quoted::op. In this case the lambda expression does not capture any values, but if it did we could obtain those values from the quoted instance.

The code model of qp is represented as an instance of CoreOps.LambdaOp corresponding to a lambda expression operation that models a lambda expression. Since quoting is potentially not limited to just the quoting of lambda expressions we first obtain the code model as an instance of java.lang.reflect.code.Op, the top-level type for all operations, from which we then down cast.

Explaining the code model

A code model is a tree containing operations, bodies, and blocks. An operation contains zero or more bodies. A body contains one or more blocks. A block contains a sequence of one or more operations. A block can declare zero or more block parameters, values. An operation declares an operation result, a value. An operation may use values as operands, but only after they have been declared.

Using this simple tree structure we can define operations that model many Java language constructs, and therefore we can build code models that model many Java programs. This may appear surprising at first. Readers may be more familiar with term “operation” in a more conventional sense, such as arithmetic operations. However, given the structure described above, there is no need to limit ourselves to this conventional sense. We are free to define an operation whose operational semantics declare a function (instances of CoreOps.FuncOp), model a Java lambda expression (instances of CoreOps.LambdaOp), or model a Java try statement (instances of ExtendedOps.JavaTryOp).

What does the code model of qp look like? We can serialize its in-memory form (the instance of CoreOps.LambdaOp) to a textual form.


Which prints the following text.

lambda (%0 : linq.TestLinq$Customer)boolean -> {
    %1 : Var<linq.TestLinq$Customer> = var %0 @"c";
    %2 : linq.TestLinq$Customer = var.load %1;
    %3 : java.lang.String = field.load %2 @"linq.TestLinq$Customer::city()java.lang.String";
    %4 : java.lang.String = constant @"London";
    %5 : boolean = invoke %3 %4 @"java.lang.String::equals(java.lang.Object)boolean";
    return %5;

The textual form shows the code model’s root is a lambda expression (lambda) operation. The lambda expression operation has an operation result, like all other operations, but since it’s the root of the tree there is no need to present it.

The lambda-like expression represents the fusion of the lambda expression operation’s single body and the body’s first and only block, called the entry block. Then there is a sequence of operations in the entry block. For each operation there is an instance of a corresponding class present in the in-memory form, all of which extend from the abstract class java.lang.reflect.code.Op.

The entry block has one block parameters, %0 (corresponding to c), described by a type of linq.TestLinq$Customer, which models qp’s parameter. This parameter is used as an operand of another operation. Many operations produce operation results, e.g., %3 the result of a field load operation, that are used as operands of subsequent operations, and so on. The return operation has a result, again like all other operations, but since that result cannot be meaningfully used we don’t present it.

Code models have the property of Static Single-Assignment (SSA). We refer to variables that can only be assigned once as values (they are a bit like final variables in Java) .e.g., value %3 can never be modified. A variable declaration is modeled as an operation that produces a value that holds a value (a box), and access operations load or store to that box.

(Some readers may be thinking this looks very similar to MLIR and that is by design.)

We can see how the operations model Java language constructs like lambda expressions, variables (method parameters or local variables) and access of variables, field access, or method invocations (e.g., to method String::equals).

The field load and invoke operations are referred to as reflective operations. They declare descriptors (an operation attribute prefixed with @) that can be used to construct method handles, or to generate bytecode instructions and their constant pool entries.

Code models of queries

For each queryable and query result instance we can obtain its code model and print out the textual form.

The initial queryable is as follows.

Queryable<Customer> allCustomers = qp.query(Customer.class);
func @"query" (%0 : linq.Queryable<linq.TestLinq$Customer>)linq.Queryable<linq.TestLinq$Customer> -> {
    return %0;

The initial queryable instance has a code model whose root is a function declaration operation. A function declaration operation is similarly structured as a lambda expression operation we have previously described. This code model represents an identity function, returning the parameter %0. The parameter’s type description is linq.Queryable<linq.TestLinq$Customer> that encapsulates the Customer type, so we know what table we are querying.

Queryable<Customer> londonCustomers = allCustomers.where(c -> c.city.equals("London"));

The second queryable is as follows.

func @"query" (%0 : linq.Queryable<linq.TestLinq$Customer>)linq.Queryable<linq.TestLinq$Customer> -> {
    %1 : linq.QuotablePredicate<linq.TestLinq$Customer> = lambda (%2 : linq.TestLinq$Customer)boolean -> {
        %3 : Var<linq.TestLinq$Customer> = var %2 @"c";
        %4 : linq.TestLinq$Customer = var.load %3;
        %5 : java.lang.String = field.load %4 @"linq.TestLinq$Customer::city()java.lang.String";
        %6 : java.lang.String = constant @"London";
        %7 : boolean = invoke %5 %6 @"java.lang.String::equals(java.lang.Object)boolean";
        return %7;
    %8 : linq.Queryable<linq.TestLinq$Customer> = invoke %0 %1 @"linq.Queryable::where(linq.QuotablePredicate)linq.Queryable";
    return %8;

The code model of the second queryable contains the lambda expression whose result is passed to an invocation of the where method, whose result is returned.

The third queryable is as follows.

Queryable<String> londonCustomerNames = londonCustomers.select(c -> c.contactName);
func @"query" (%0 : linq.Queryable<linq.TestLinq$Customer>)linq.Queryable<java.lang.String> -> {
    %1 : linq.QuotablePredicate<linq.TestLinq$Customer> = lambda (%2 : linq.TestLinq$Customer)boolean -> {
        %3 : Var<linq.TestLinq$Customer> = var %2 @"c";
        %4 : linq.TestLinq$Customer = var.load %3;
        %5 : java.lang.String = field.load %4 @"linq.TestLinq$Customer::city()java.lang.String";
        %6 : java.lang.String = constant @"London";
        %7 : boolean = invoke %5 %6 @"java.lang.String::equals(java.lang.Object)boolean";
        return %7;
    %8 : linq.Queryable<linq.TestLinq$Customer> = invoke %0 %1 @"linq.Queryable::where(linq.QuotablePredicate)linq.Queryable";
    %9 : linq.QuotableFunction<linq.TestLinq$Customer, java.lang.String> = lambda (%10 : linq.TestLinq$Customer)java.lang.String -> {
        %11 : Var<linq.TestLinq$Customer> = var %10 @"c";
        %12 : linq.TestLinq$Customer = var.load %11;
        %13 : java.lang.String = field.load %12 @"linq.TestLinq$Customer::contactName()java.lang.String";
        return %13;
    %14 : linq.Queryable<java.lang.String> = invoke %8 %9 @"linq.Queryable::select(linq.QuotableFunction)linq.Queryable";
    return %14;

The code model of the third queryable contains the lambda expression whose result is passed to an invocation of the select method, whose result is returned.

We can now see a pattern emerge, a queryable code model reifies the steps taken to build the query.

The query result is as follows.

QueryResult<Stream<String>> results = londonCustomerNames.elements();
func @"queryResult" (%0 : linq.Queryable<linq.TestLinq$Customer>)linq.QueryResult<java.util.stream.Stream<java.lang.String>> -> {
    %1 : linq.QuotablePredicate<linq.TestLinq$Customer> = lambda (%2 : linq.TestLinq$Customer)boolean -> {
        %3 : Var<linq.TestLinq$Customer> = var %2 @"c";
        %4 : linq.TestLinq$Customer = var.load %3;
        %5 : java.lang.String = field.load %4 @"linq.TestLinq$Customer::city()java.lang.String";
        %6 : java.lang.String = constant @"London";
        %7 : boolean = invoke %5 %6 @"java.lang.String::equals(java.lang.Object)boolean";
        return %7;
    %8 : linq.Queryable<linq.TestLinq$Customer> = invoke %0 %1 @"linq.Queryable::where(linq.QuotablePredicate)linq.Queryable";
    %9 : linq.QuotableFunction<linq.TestLinq$Customer, java.lang.String> = lambda (%10 : linq.TestLinq$Customer)java.lang.String -> {
        %11 : Var<linq.TestLinq$Customer> = var %10 @"c";
        %12 : linq.TestLinq$Customer = var.load %11;
        %13 : java.lang.String = field.load %12 @"linq.TestLinq$Customer::contactName()java.lang.String";
        return %13;
    %14 : linq.Queryable<java.lang.String> = invoke %8 %9 @"linq.Queryable::select(linq.QuotableFunction)linq.Queryable";
    %15 : linq.QueryResult<java.util.stream.Stream<java.lang.String>> = invoke %14 @"linq.Queryable::elements()linq.QueryResult";
    return %15;

Finally, the code model of the query result contains the invocation of the elements method, whose result is returned.

The prior code model will be equivalent (in terms of program meaning) to the code model of the following method.

static QueryResult<Stream<String>> queryResult(Queryable<Customer> q) {
    return q.where(c -> c.city.equals("London"))
            .select(c -> c.contactName)

If we interpret results’s code model, passing in an initial queryable instance, then it will naturally produce a queryable instance that has the same code model. (Alternatively we could compile the code model and execute it.)

QueryResult<Stream<String>> resultsIterpreted = (QueryResult<Stream<String>>) Interpreter.invoke(MethodHandles.lookup(),
        results.expression(), qp.query(Customer.class));

assert results.expression().toText().equals(resultsIterpreted.expression().toText());

Clearly that is not of much practical use. The code model is designed to be transformed. This code model contains sufficient symbolic information for it to be transformed to an SQL query.

Building code models for queries

Code models are immutable. Code models can be produced by building, or by transforming an existing code model. Transforming takes an input code model and builds an output code model. For each input operation encountered in the input code model we have the choice to add that operation to the builder of the output code model (copying), to not add it (removal), or add new output operations (replacement or addition).

The implementations of Queryable methods, where, select, and elements, transform a prior code model to a new code model with the additional operations.

Here is the implementation of the where method.

default Queryable<T> where(QuotablePredicate<T> f) {
    CoreOps.LambdaOp l = (CoreOps.LambdaOp) f.quoted().op();
    return (Queryable<T>) insertQuery(elementType(), "where", l);

We obtain the code model for the lambda expression, as previously shown, and pass that along with element type, the name of the method to the method insertQuery, whose result is returned.

The method insertQuery performs the transformation.

private Queryable<?> insertQuery(JavaType elementType, String methodName, LambdaOp lambdaOp) {
    // Copy function expression, replacing return operation
    FuncOp queryExpression = expression();
    JavaType queryableType = type(Queryable.TYPE, elementType);
    FuncOp nextQueryExpression = func("query",
            methodType(queryableType, queryExpression.funcDescriptor().parameters()))
            .body(b -> b.inline(queryExpression, b.parameters(), (block, query) -> {
                Op.Result fi = block.op(lambdaOp);

                MethodDesc md = method(Queryable.TYPE, methodName,
                        methodType(Queryable.TYPE, ((JavaType) lambdaOp.functionalInterface()).rawType()));
                Op.Result queryable = block.op(invoke(queryableType, md, query, fi));


    return provider().createQuery(elementType, nextQueryExpression);

We start by building a new function declaration operation with the static factory method CoreOps.func. A method description is constructed that describes the function’s parameters and return type. Then we call the body method to build the function declaration operation’s body. The implementation of body calls the lambda expression with function body’s entry block builder, from which we can add operations.

In this case we are going to inline the prior input code model (a previously generated function declaration operation) into the output code model we are building. Inlining transforms queryExpression by copying the contents of the input function declaration operation’s body and replacing the input return operation with what is built by the lambda expression passed to the inline method.

We replace the input return operation with a copy of the lambda expression operation, an invocation to the queryable method, and a return the invocation’s result. We can freely copy the lambda expression operation as long as it does not capture.

Because we are inlining we also need to map the input function’s parameters to the output functions parameters (specifically in both cases the block parameters of the entry block of the body of the function declaration operation), so we also pass the latter to the inline method which takes care of the mapping.

Finally, we create a new instance of Queryable with the output code model.